Chapter 15 - Don't let it sink in

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Ominis rarely ran, because even running slightly faster than usual strained him, as he had to react faster with his orientation spell to avoid running into something or stumbling. But now, it seemed like he didn't care at all; he just wanted to get away.
"Ominis, wait!" Phina called after him, but he didn't stop. After Professor Drewitt's class had ended, he had initially risen slowly and composed, walking out of the room next to Sebastian under the disdainful glances of his classmates. But not even a second after they had turned into the corridor, out of Professor Drewitt's line of sight, he had started running, so suddenly that not even Sebastian had caught him to hold him back. He was heading purposefully towards a Floo Flame, and Phina and Sebastian wouldn't have a chance to figure out where he would travel once he reached it. They would have to search the entire castle, maybe even a larger area, to find him.
"Leave me alone!" he hissed, and his voice sent a shiver down Phina's spine and simultaneously caused a sharp pang in her heart. Ominis sounded completely different. Phina would have expected to hear the slightly whiny tone in his voice that he usually couldn't contain when something emotionally stirred him, but there was not even a hint of it. It was as if it wasn't even Ominis himself speaking to them so harshly and almost coldly. 

Sebastian seemed to have noticed too because he returned Phina's worried look with an equally surprised expression and then increased his pace.
"Ominis, stop immediately!" he almost shouted angrily after him, but it was in vain. In the next moment, Ominis disappeared via the Floo Flame, leaving his best friends behind with their worries. Phina hadn't even noticed that so many tears had accumulated in her eyes by now that they were now overflowing and rolling down her cheeks. When Sebastian turned to her, he seemed even angrier at the sight, and he immediately ran back to her and embraced her without hesitation.
"No, no, no. Come here. We won't let this get to us, understood?" he said, stroking her back comfortingly. Phina enjoyed the simple fact that she could let go for a moment and that he would hold her, no matter how long it would take her to regain her inner strength. It felt so good that Sebastian was there, and the sense of security he provided led her to truly calm down after a few deep breaths, preventing her from breaking down in tears completely.
"Understood," Phina finally said, somewhat composed again, and she released herself from his embrace while using the sleeve of her school robe to wipe away the remnants of her tears from her face. Sebastian's gaze was unusually serious and thoughtful, and before they would attract more curious looks from their classmates, he put an arm around Phina's shoulders, gently but firmly guiding her away from the corridor to a quieter place. 

After just a few steps, Nathan caught up with them.
"This Drewitt guy is really strange. Is everything okay with you?" he asked, scrutinizing both of them with an examining look as he walked alongside them, even though he didn't know where they were heading. Phina's gaze was fixed on the floor in front of her feet, and she left the answering to Sebastian.
"Well, it does feel kind of strange that now it seems like everyone knows that Ominis and I can perform Unforgivable Curses, but as usual, there will probably be a new hot topic to gossip about soon," he said, and Phina was surprised at how calm and almost indifferent he sounded. Maybe it wasn't a big deal for him, and perhaps he even enjoyed this attention a little, but for Ominis, it was a nightmare, and Phina would give Sebastian a piece of her mind if he tried to downplay or trivialize Professor Drewitt's cruelty. Nathan appeared shocked for a brief moment, but his features quickly relaxed.
"So, it's really true?" he inquired, but to Phina's relief, there was no accusatory or repulsive tone in his voice. 

By now, they had arrived in the entrance hall in front of the library.
"Yes, and honestly, I'm not really ashamed of it. Professor Drewitt is right that witches and wizards should learn all forms of magic. Didn't even Professor Fig say that it ultimately only depends on the person who wields the magic?" Sebastian replied, and Phina came to a sudden stop, causing Nathan and Sebastian to look at her immediately. Her heart was pounding like crazy, and she clenched her fists so that she wouldn't use one of her hands to strike Sebastian in the heat of the anger and frustration that was rising within her like boiling lava in a volcano.
"You're not seriously comparing that vile man to Professor Fig," Phina almost spat, and she knew that if he said one more positive word about Professor Drewitt, they would be headed for another heated argument, perhaps even worse than the one they had had last time at this very spot. Phina wondered in that moment if the library entrance area could somehow be cursed. 

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