Chapter 64 - Support him

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[Screenshots and AI art made by me]

Even before Sebastian's screams gradually subsided, Clarissa suddenly came running up the stairs, breathless, and immediately looked over at Ominis and Phina, who were still sitting by the unicorn fountain, waiting for the hospital wing door to finally open so they could see Sebastian. They absolutely didn't want to disturb Madam Blainey while she was taking care of him; that was the only thing keeping them from just storming in.

"That sounds terrible, what's wrong with him?" Clarissa asked, stopping in front of them as she stared at the closed door behind which Sebastian was apparently still suffering agonizing pain. Professor Weasley and Professor Sharp were no longer there; they had presumably returned either to the still-ongoing Quidditch match or to their offices.

"We haven't been allowed in yet. So unfortunately, we don't know either," Phina replied, sounding utterly exhausted. Not just from waiting, but mostly because her heartbeat simply wouldn't calm down. She seemed to be caught in a constant state of stress as long as she couldn't finally see Sebastian.

"That crash looked really bad..." Clarissa murmured more to herself. A silence then settled between them, which was only broken by Ominis after quite a while.
"Do you know how the game ended?" he asked, obviously addressing Clarissa. For a moment, Phina couldn't decide whether she was more shocked that he spoke to her directly or that he was actually asking about that stupid Quidditch match.

"That's completely irrelevant right now, Ominis!" she immediately protested before Clarissa could respond. She sat up suddenly, no longer leaning against him. How could he seriously be interested in that Quidditch game while his best friend was lying in the hospital wing screaming?

"Phina, seriously. That will be the first thing Sebastian asks us as soon as we go in to see him," Ominis justified himself calmly, gently stroking her arm while still holding her with his own arm around her back. Clarissa couldn't help but smile. He really knew Sebastian well, and she was absolutely certain he was right.

"When I left the field to come here, I heard that Kilian Meadows had caught the Snitch. I guess that means you won," she reported, and Ominis nodded approvingly.
"Thank goodness. He would have blamed himself entirely if they had lost," he replied, sighing in relief. Phina also seemed to relax a bit, realizing that this information indeed lifted a weight off her shoulders too. Sebastian would probably have tormented himself with guilt for letting his team down, no matter how often and vehemently everyone assured him it wasn't his fault. Knowing that his accident hadn't cost them the victory was somehow reassuring. Thanks to Kilian! Perhaps it was also Ominis' little hint about where to look for the small, golden ball that had ultimately enabled the Slytherin Seeker to secure the crucial 150 points for his team.

Phina was about to say something when she noticed it had become unusually quiet. She exchanged a brief glance with Clarissa, who had also just noticed the silence and then looked over at the hospital wing door. Without much thought, she walked over to it and knocked gently a few times. Phina and Ominis remained silent, waiting tensely to see if Madam Blainey would open the door. And indeed, after a while, the door opened, revealing the visibly exhausted nurse standing before them.

"I've been wondering when the first concerned classmates would show up..." she sighed, stepping into the foyer with them and closing the door behind her as quietly as possible. This did not make Phina very hopeful that she would let the three of them in to see Sebastian.

"I'm very sorry to disappoint you. But in his current condition, too many visitors wouldn't be a good idea. He will need to sleep very deeply for a while now," the young healer continued, wiping a bit of sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand. No doubt she had spent the last half hour using intensive spells to treat Sebastian's injuries, and Phina couldn't blame her for yearning for a break. Not just for Sebastian, but for herself as well.

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