Chapter 48 - Stay away from drama

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"I notice you're still staring at me, Sebastian," Ominis growled as quietly as possible, not wanting to draw Mrs. Scribner's attention. The two had found a quiet corner in the library after the last class of the day to study together and work on an essay for Charms that was due soon.

"I just want to make sure everything is really okay," Sebastian hissed back, still peering over the edge of the book he held in front of his face, trying to observe his best friend surreptitiously. At least the sore spots on his neck and face had completely disappeared by now, but Sebastian wasn't entirely trusting of the peace Ominis had been trying to exude for days since returning from his encounter with his father in Professor Weasley's office. He had immediately informed Phina and him that the Ministry would have preferred to kick him out of school because of the prophecy, but fortunately the school administration had managed to prevent that.

"It's all fine... really!" Ominis repeated for what felt like the thousandth time. While it felt good that Sebastian cared about him and his well-being, he was starting to get on his nerves. He tried once again to feel the lines of Braille text he had wanted to read before Sebastian had repeatedly distracted him.

"I just find it intense that your father showed up here. I mean..." Sebastian continued to whisper, glancing around briefly to see if the librarian was already giving them dirty looks, but she was nowhere to be seen.
"I know what you mean," Ominis quickly interjected before Sebastian could expand on the topic more than he was comfortable with. "But I'm fine. I'd tell you if I weren't."

Sebastian gave him one more scrutinizing look but then seemed finally convinced that he shouldn't keep treating him like a fragile egg. Apart from his father essentially instructing him where to look for Slytherin's monster, nothing had actually happened. And Ominis had decided to simply ignore it and avoid the dungeons as much as possible. It was inconvenient that it was right on the way to the Slytherin common room, and the toilets and washrooms for the Slytherins were there too, but so far Ominis had managed to stay away as often as possible without Sebastian or Phina noticing.

"Alright," Sebastian sighed eventually, finally focusing back on the book which he then laid open on the table in front of him.
"Wasn't Phina supposed to come too?" Ominis asked after a while, finally managing to finish reading the page he had under his fingertips. Sebastian glanced around the library briefly to see if he could spot her.
"She was supposed to, but I can't see her anywhere," he said softly, then looked across the table at Ominis again. "So, how was your date, actually?"

Ominis couldn't help but grin, although it was clear he was trying hard to avoid it.
"Stop pretending like you believed her for even a second," he said finally, flipping to the next page.
"She's really a terrible liar," Sebastian remarked as he made a note on a piece of parchment where he wanted to summarize some important information for his essay.

"But..." Sebastian continued, and something in his tone suddenly made Ominis nervous, almost hoping that Phina would finally show up so Sebastian wouldn't keep talking about this topic. "Let's be honest, Ominis. It wouldn't be that far-fetched. I mean, you two already went to the Yule Ball together last year."

Ominis felt that in this moment, Sebastian wished he would assure him that there was nothing between Phina and him except friendship, and that they had already unequivocally clarified that. That was exactly why it was so uncomfortable for him that Sebastian brought up this topic so directly. Because he couldn't tell him what he wanted to hear. If he was completely honest, he didn't have a clear answer himself. Besides Anne, Phina was undoubtedly his best female friend, but he also felt connected to her in a unique, special way that he couldn't quite explain. The ancient magic she possessed made her a target for all sorts of people who wanted to take advantage of it or saw it as a threat. And Ominis had also been confronted all his life with others having certain expectations of him or fearing him. In a way, they were both equally blessed and cursed with their respective gifts.

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