Chapter 45 - Defy your fate

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Trigger Warning:
The following chapter contains content related to the following potential triggers:
Violence, depression, trauma.
If any of these sensitive topics would not sit well with you at the moment, please refrain from reading this chapter.

"Thank you, Mr. Gaunt. That will be all," Clemens Anderson's voice sounded so casual, as if he had just answered a completely trivial question instead of translating a prophecy that had originally been intended only for the Gaunt family. Even though Ominis had no regard for his family legacy, he now still somehow felt like a traitor. Salazar Slytherin had surely spoken this prophecy in Parseltongue to ensure that only one of his rightful descendants would learn of it. And now Ominis had disclosed most of its contents to an Auror who was evidently hunting his family. He rose from his chair, hoping his legs would bear his weight without protest.

"I need not remind you that this prophecy is among matters that must be kept absolutely confidential. If it comes to my attention that anyone else besides the two of us knows the contents of the prophecy, you will face charges before the Wizengamot, Mr. Gaunt," Anderson said as Ominis was about to turn towards the exit. Ominis had previously thought things couldn't get worse, but the Auror had managed to make it so with his words. 

Thanks to Alvertos, by the end of the day, the entire Gaunt family would know about this prophecy. And if that ever came to light, Ominis would have to answer for it. It would fit too perfectly into the narrative of the hypocritical student secretly working faithfully for his family. Anderson would immediately see his suspicions confirmed and would certainly not be convinced of his innocence. Even if he spoke the truth, it would likely be dismissed as a mere cover-up. Anderson would probably regard it as nothing more than a protective claim, especially if Ominis would explain that Alvertos was also a member of the Gaunt family and had infiltrated Hogwarts as a professor.

Finally, the Auror rose from his chair, packed up his belongings, and then followed Ominis at a distance, who couldn't wait to leave the hideous headmaster's office. He nearly stumbled down the stairs but managed to maintain his balance, relieved to find only Professor Black waiting at the end of the conversation. Alvertos was evidently no longer present.

"Thank you for your patience, Professor," Mr. Anderson addressed Black, while Ominis instinctively stopped, as if waiting to be officially dismissed. For some reason, he didn't dare to run away quickly, even though that was exactly what he wanted to do. He wasn't as familiar with this part of the castle, so he cautiously extended his wand to cast his Orientation Charm to guide his way.

"I hope you have a moment for me," Anderson continued, apparently wanting to discuss something important with the headmaster. His gaze briefly swept to Ominis, who felt the look in his back like a stab.
"Mr. Gaunt, you may leave," the Auror added imperiously, and Ominis needed no further prompting. Several spiral staircases and long corridors later, he passed by the Trophy Room. He could barely recall the journey here, as if it had been hours ago, but he knew that near the Trophy Room was a Floo Flame that could shorten the way to the undercroft.

It was completely quiet in this part of the castle. No students lingered near the Trophy Room during class hours, and Ominis was grateful for the peace, finally able to begin sorting out his thoughts, which had been thoroughly jumbled in the past few minutes.

But suddenly, a strong hand gripped his shoulder, clawing into the fabric of his school robe and jerking him around so abruptly that Ominis nearly dropped his wand. He lost his balance and managed to gasp in shock just as he felt the wall of a corner in the Trophy Room against his back, where he was pushed. 

The person in front of him towered over him by about a head, and in the next moment, his assailant wrapped a hand around his throat, squeezing so tightly that any attempt to scream would have been futile. Suddenly, Ominis felt his feet lose their grip, and he could only touch the ground with his toes. Being shoved up against the wall increased the pressure on his throat exponentially. Reflexively, Ominis released his wand, using both hands to try to pry the hand from his throat. But Alvertos was stronger.

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