Chapter 47 - Watch out for the monster

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"We could ask Nathan or Clarissa if they can cast a healing spell," Phina suggested somewhat hesitantly as she watched Ominis knotting a scarf around his neck on the way from the dormitory to the common room, even though it was still far too warm outside for it. 

They were about to head to Hogsmeade to get gifts for Anne's and Sebastian's birthday party next weekend. Ominis was determined to avoid anyone seeing the bruises on his neck; he wouldn't even consider visiting Madam Blainey to have them treated by her.

"I think Nathan has something against me. And I know Clarissa does," he replied, making his way towards the Floo Flame, as they wanted to cut through at least to the north exit. However, during the subsequent walk to the village, Ominis didn't want to draw any attention to himself. He would probably already be scrutinized critically by everyone because of all the rumors Professor Black had fueled through his appearance in Defense Against the Dark Arts class.
"Alright..." Phina sighed, then hooked her arm through his as they crossed the common room, shooting a glare at anyone who dared to stare at Ominis or obviously gossip about him.

"What did you tell Sebastian about why he can't accompany us?" Ominis skillfully changed the subject, grinning slightly. Phina chuckled quietly to herself, blushing suddenly. Fortunately, he couldn't see that.

"At the moment he asked, only one reason came to mind to avoid having to reveal that I want to buy a gift for him..." she began to explain, then fell back into an awkward silence, with Ominis apparently feeling her tension through the touch of their intertwined arms. His grin widened, and he tilted his head slightly. Merlin's beard... if only he knew how irresistibly good he looked when he did that.

"And what was that reason?" he asked, and Phina was sure he must feel how hot her face suddenly became as her cheeks flushed with blood.
"I... I claimed it was a date."

Phina's voice had become so soft that for a moment she hoped Ominis might not have understood, but by the way his mouth twitched, she immediately knew he had heard everything perfectly.

"And he believed you?" he said, trying to continue walking as nonchalantly as possible. Phina simply stared at the ground, her heart pounding so wildly that she feared he might hear it too.
"No, I don't think so. But he didn't ask further," she replied, as they finally reached the Floo Flame at the end of the spiral staircase. Suddenly, Ominis seemed as unsure as Phina felt. She should have just kept quiet or somehow dodged his question.

"He probably immediately realized it was just an excuse and then put two and two together that it is about his birthday," Ominis said, while Phina awkwardly scratched her head. Could a conversation be any more uncomfortable than this one?

"Yeah, definitely!" she burst out, her tongue seemingly faster than her head could think in her nervousness, causing her to say something she immediately regretted.
"I mean... I could have come up with a more believable excuse."

Ominis nodded in agreement, briefly pressing his lips together.
"Yes, true," he muttered, and his grin had completely disappeared. For a brief, unbearable moment, silence spread between them, feeling somehow unnatural.

"So, north exit then?" Ominis finally asked, although they had already agreed on it before.
"Yes," Phina replied shortly, and in the next moment, they traveled using the Floo Flame to the outer walls of the school grounds to make their way towards Hogsmeade.

Fortunately, the village wasn't very crowded, even though it was a Saturday. They quickly gathered the herbs for Anne. Shortly after, they met Poppy at the marketplace, who immediately asked if she and Garreth could also participate. As a result, they were able to add a bit of heartspangle and starroot to their gift basket, which would have otherwise been too expensive for them. Poppy then bid them farewell as she had arranged to go on a picnic in the highlands with Garreth.

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