Chapter 03 - Take care

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The rest of the week, Phina spent catching up on some school assignments she had completely neglected lately. She had invested all her free time researching ancient magic with Sebastian, leaving everything else behind. He had been more important to her. Spending so much time with him had felt right when they both believed that all their work would be worth it, and Anne's cure awaited them at the end of the road. But that illusion had shattered for Phina.
She had sensed that her magic was ineffective, and it hadn't been due to Isidora's spell being casted incorrectly, but simply because her power wasn't suitable for undoing dark curses. She could alleviate emotional pain, but if there were no such pains targeted, she couldn't help. Phina knew it the moment she saw Anne's pained face when another bout of pain hit her, and it had been evident that her attempt to heal had failed. Sebastian had looked so disappointed, and as if that wasn't enough, she now had to somehow make him understand that further practice and experimentation wouldn't lead them anywhere. This path was a dead-end, and as difficult as it was to accept, delving further into ancient magic would not benefit anyone. Phina wanted to leave everything related to it behind. Besides bringing her to Hogwarts and proving useful in some battles, this form of magic had only brought her grief and had already cost the lives of too many wonderful people. Now more determined than ever, Phina planned to apologize to the Keepers at the next opportunity and promise them that she would lock away the power and dedicate herself fully to safeguarding this secret. Hogwarts might not be the right place for a new repository, but she would find one where she could construct a new receptacle with the help of a few trustworthy goblins. Until then, she needed to clear her mind and sort out her thoughts. Some school assignments might help with that, and the tranquil atmosphere of the library provided a sense of security. Time seemed to stand still here. 

"Hey Phina."
Well, so much for security. Fortunately, it was just Poppy, who had approached her table with a stack of books and sat opposite her. Phina had no objections to the presence of her best friend. Some female companionship might do her good. While she shared her dormitory with Imelda and Nerida from her own house, she wasn't as close to them as she was to Poppy. Phina loved Poppy's determination and sense of justice, and she was a loyal friend whom one could trust with any secret, no matter how terrible or uncomfortable. She had a good Hufflepuff heart and somehow always managed to make Phina laugh.
"Hi Pop, good to see you," Phina said, pushing aside some of her own books spread out on the table to make more space for Poppy's books and writing materials.
"Sorry if I get straight to the point, but please tell me without beating around the bush what happened between you and Sallow."
That was just Poppy, but her forthright manner didn't come across as blunt or intrusive; rather, it made it seem like you could tell her everything without reservations, leaving you no choice but to pour your heart out to her. For Poppy, it was only natural; best friends talked about everything. And it was clear that Phina could rely on her completely. Poppy didn't gossip, and she'd sooner cut off her own hand than reveal something told to her in confidence. Phina sighed, but with Poppy's encouraging and supportive gaze, she had no other option.
"We had a terrible fight," she began but hesitated, as if she suddenly wasn't sure if she wanted to talk about it yet. However, Poppy didn't seem willing to let her get away with such a vague response.

"Yes, everyone who was present in the hall outside the library that evening knows that. What was it about? It sounded really bad."
Poppy's voice sounded understanding, and Phina was relieved that she couldn't hear any pity in it. Calling the situation "bad" was, however, the understatement of the century. But since Poppy was privy to her ability to see and use ancient magic, Phina didn't need to think twice about what to say.
"We were trying to heal his sister with my ancient magic, but it didn't work. And now he's angry with me..."
Phina surprised herself with how straightforwardly she managed to say it without feeling like she would burst into tears at any moment. It must have been because of Poppy; talking to her had always been easier than with anyone else. Yet, she paused briefly, trying to find another phrasing that wouldn't make her sound like a total failure. "Because I want to give up ancient magic forever" would sound as pitiful as a defiant child who, after only one failed attempt at riding a bike, vowed never to get on one again. Poppy looked quite shocked, and for a fraction of a second, Phina caught herself imagining that it was because Poppy was shocked by how weak her ancient magic was and that it was understandable for Sebastian to be disappointed in her. Which was utter nonsense, of course. Poppy reached out her hand and placed it gently across Phina's wrist on the table.
"Oh no, Phina. I'm really sorry. It's not your fault that it didn't work," she whispered, noticing the stern look from the old Scribner. This woman truly overheard every little conversation within the sanctity of her library.
"That's not why he's mad. He's upset because I don't want to try again," Phina explained, and when a questioning expression appeared on Poppy's face, she continued immediately, "I'm absolutely sure it will never work. I felt it. He just doesn't understand."
Tears welled up in her eyes again, and Phina quickly blinked them away before they could roll down her cheeks in the middle of the library. Poppy nodded in agreement and seemed to ponder what to say for a moment, which was somewhat unusual since Poppy usually spoke her mind immediately. Finally, she shrugged, as if she had just reminded herself that she didn't need to hold back with Phina.
"I know he means a lot to you. But if you're sure it won't work, it would be wrong to give him false hope that it might work on the next try. You'll find another way. And if he can't understand that, then let him continue searching on his own."

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