Chapter 46 - Take time to recharge

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Ominis rubbed his temples in rotating motions with his eyes closed since he had laid down on the sofa in the undercroft. Sebastian paced anxiously behind him, which reminded Phina strongly of the situation when she had told them about the message M had sent her. But unlike with that mysterious warning, the threat from the prophecy that Ominis had recounted somehow felt more real and imminent. 

Phina still had goosebumps and took another sip of warm tea, hoping it might dispel the coldness that seemed to persist in her limbs. Sebastian wore his typical pensive expression, which gave Phina some hope that he would soon come up with something to alleviate the terror of this ominous announcement of a Slytherin heir for Ominis and her.

"It could mean anyone from your family, Ominis," he said after a while, but he still didn't stop walking, clearly indicating that he wasn't done mulling over the wording of the prophecy. Ominis sighed softly, prompting Phina to look at him with concern. It was evident he had a headache. Apparently, the liter of water he had almost chugged down upon their arrival in the undercroft couldn't prevent it anymore.

"Alvertos is convinced it's me it's referring to. And my father will see it the same way," he said, burying his fingers in his hair, continuing to massage his temples with his palms. "Or can you think of another blind descendant who was lost to my family?"
Ominis' voice had a rather bitter undertone, one Phina had never heard from him before, instantly breaking her heart. Sebastian, too, hadn't missed the desperation in his best friend's tone and he abruptly stopped.

"You're taking it too literally, Ominis! In Divination, we've learned that interpreting prophecies is usually subjective. It could just as well be some lost... I don't know... third cousin or something, who doesn't even know he's a Gaunt, and this is what's meant by 'blindness'," Sebastian said, and suddenly Phina realized that in the next moment, he wasn't looking down at Ominis but at her. She caught his gaze, which then took on an almost pleading expression as he continued more softly.
"Sometimes, even with the keenest sight, one can be blind to certain things."

Phina immediately understood what he was implying and smiled faintly at him, not breaking eye contact. She wished she could just run to him and embrace him, but perhaps he would interpret that as a sign that it wasn't too late for him to confess his love to her, and somehow Phina was terrified of that possibility. What she had longed for so much in fifth year now triggered more of a fight-or-flight response. And so far, fleeing had always been preferable to confrontation. Sebastian also smiled slightly now but then broke the eye contact to focus on Ominis again.
"So, it can be interpreted however one wants, Ominis. It doesn't mean anything at all."

Ominis didn't seem particularly convinced. When he tried to sit up on the sofa, he grimaced in pain and rubbed his eyes. Phina rarely had headaches and knew she couldn't even begin to imagine how a migraine attack must feel. For a brief moment, she wished Isidora's magic could work on physical pain too. Then she could have healed not only Anne but also helped Ominis now. It was a miserable feeling to see him suffer and not be able to do anything to ease it. That was why Sebastian and she had to at least ensure that he didn't worry too much about the prophecy.

"Slytherin's monster is hidden somewhere in Hogwarts. And Alvertos and I are currently the only Gaunts here," Ominis argued further, but Sebastian had already thought of a fitting response for that too.
"But the prophecy wasn't addressed to anyone specific. So it could just as well be that it'll only come to pass sometime in the distant future, and you have nothing to do with it," he replied, settling down next to Ominis to scrutinize him a little. 

Ominis breathed heavily and nodded ever so slightly. Apparently, Sebastian's statement sounded plausible enough to soothe his nerves a bit. Sebastian then put an arm around his best friend.

Cursed (Hogwarts Legacy fanfiction - original in German)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя