Chapter Ten

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Ariana's POV:

I could hear Y/N's feet against the stairs as she rushed down, Issac asking what was wrong but receiving no response. I wanted to go after her and make sure things were all okay with her, but I didn't, I figured I had done enough.

It took me a moment to calm myself, and in that time, Y/N had left.

I headed downstairs, being met with a concerned Issac.

"Hi beautiful," He greeted with a smile, "What's wrong?"

I shook my head.

"Nothing." I answered quickly.

I pushed past him and into the kitchen, "Let's just have dinner."

And that's what we did.

We sat down together, our meal in front of us.

Issac began to cut into his steak, taking a bite and moaning at the taste.

I, on the other hand, lost my appetite far too long ago.

Before taking another bite, he looked up and noticed I hadn't touched my plate, my fork was still clean and untouched entirely.

"You're not hungry? I figured you would be when we spent hours prepping and making everything. You were so excited for it, what happened?"

I shrugged, "I guess I just lost my appetite. I'll be back."

I excused myself and stood up, heading back up to my room while mediating an internal fight between my heart and my head. I needed to know if she was okay, but I also knew I should be the last person checking up on her right now.

I did the next best thing instead, I called Harper, Y/N's sister.

Within the first few rings, she had answered.


"I'm sorry, have you spoke to your sister? I'm worried about her, but she isn't responding. She left my house crying and I-I don't know what to do." I rambled, taking in a deep breath before continuing, "I'm worried about her Harper, please tell me she's okay."

"Can you like--Calm the fuck down? She's fine, she texted me and I have her location. She's at home." Harper told me, somehow managing to calm me down a bit as I profusely nodded my head as if she could see it.

"She had mentioned something about you two. I can't remember exactly what."

My heart began to pound, I could feel my anxiety peaking as I realized what this would be leading to. Harper would kill me; their family would kill me for making Y/N cry after kissing her--or her kissing me. That detail is still spotty for me in all honesty, it all feels like one fever dream that I can't wake from.

"Oh, I remember!"

I felt myself grow dizzy, I wanted nothing more than for the ground to open up and swallow me whole so I wouldn't have to have this conversation right now.

"It was about Nate and her, I guess she thinks he's planning to propose. She caught him booking flights to Paris and an Airbnb for two. She did some more snooping and found a practice speech of some sort, mentioning their first kiss."

I furrowed my eyebrows, giving a disgusted look to my wall as I took in the information.

"He's proposing?" I scoffed, "Who does he think he is? He doesn't even deserve to--" I paused, taking the time to roll my eyes, "Why does he think he has the right to propose to her? He's not even the right guy for her."

A moment of silence passed before Harper spoke up.

"You sound a bit upset about that Ariana; I'd say jealous even. Surely, you don't have feelings for Y/N. Right Ariana?"

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