Chapter Nine

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Ariana's POV:

After the she walked away, I said my goodbyes to a few members of her family and caught the next flight out that very night. I didn't want to see her or be around her for the time being, we both needed space away from the other.

As much as it hurt, that's what we did.

We avoided each other at any and every moment.

It took about a week for me to reach out to Issac again and let him take me out. Things with him felt weird at first, but he slowly became a part of my routine. We would hang out almost daily, he'd volunteer to cater for the company, starting a weekly Thursday lunch.

Things with him became serious again, it felt natural.

About a month's time had passed since I had seen or even spoken to Y/N.

It was difficult at first, but Issac began to fill that void, as much as he could I supposed. Nobody could replace her.

"How about dinner tonight, my treat?" Issac asked as he stood beside my desk. I was at work, handling some phone calls and paperwork when he came in and began to sweet talk me before asking the question.

I looked away from him as blush crept upon my cheeks, focusing on the task at hand rather than the man beside me. He was the only man who could make my heart race at the mere proximity. Even his cologne was intoxicating.

"C'mon." He groaned.

"I haven't had you all to myself in two weeks, you're always answering phone calls or emails when we're out."

I rolled my eyes after facing him, "Yeah, because I run a company. What do you expect me to do? Not answer them? They're important Issac."

He placed his palm flat against the paper, stopping me from being able to continue, "How about I help you out? We both get what we want, you get to finish your work, and I get to be with you. We dedicate the rest of the workday to getting whatever it is you need done, then we go back to your place and have dinner." He suggested, raising his eyebrows.

I thought about it for a moment then agreed, "Deal."

We exchanged smiles and he leaned down, placing a gentle kiss to my forehead.

Like promised, the rest of the day was spent working. When 6 o'clock rolled around, we walked out of my building together. Our hands intertwined on the way to my car, only separating when he walked away from me and to his motorcycle.

With a kiss blown, we headed to my house.

Y/N's POV:

I was on my lunch break, ready to FaceTime Nick and eat my sandwich when I heard a gasp from Maureen who was a señora always on Facebook. For the first time, I looked over at her phone to read the article she was intrigued by.

"Leon Hernandez found dead at 58."

I felt sick.

"I watched his movie the other day with my daughter, he was my favorite actor."

I left my food there, rushing out of the break room with my phone. I was dizzy, suddenly on the verge of collapsing right then and there. I didn't bother to tell anyone I was leaving, instead I walked out to my car and broke down.

I couldn't go home, and Nick was the last person I wanted to talk to after hearing this news, I know he'd crack a joke or something and make today worse than it already is. I turned off my phone and tossed it to the passenger seat.

I wasn't sure where I was planning to go, but I needed to leave, I couldn't be here.

Rain began to pour as did my tears.

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