Chapter Five

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Ariana's POV:

I hung up the phone with Y/N, not acknowledging what she had said until after.

"Boyfriend of the best friend?" I mumbled, looking around the room in confusion.

I didn't have much time for my inner thoughts because Nick rushed in, breathing heavily as he adjusted his tie with a smile.

I felt sick just looking at him, he had everything I wanted, the one I wanted.

I sighed, "Take a seat." I said through gritted teeth, nodding to the empty chair across the table.

We took our respective seats and the interview had begun.

"Tell me about yourself Nicolas."

He chuckled, "I mean you know me pretty well Ariana--"

I cut him off with a glance, waiting a moment for him to shut up so I could continue to look through his resume.

"Thinks everything is a joke." I mumbled, writing it down on my notes.

He began to speak again but I cut him off, asking, "How would people describe you?" I gave him time to respond as I took note of his prior work experience. He cleared his throat, beginning again, "Most would describe me as a great person."

I tried my best to silently chuckle but failed to do so, unintentionally making too much noise and interrupting his answer. I didn't apologize but ushered him to continue.

He went on to spew a bunch of bullshit that I had no intention of actually listening to.

"So, it says here," I pointed to the 'experience' section on his resume, "that you worked with another tech company, Infinity Industries, tell me about your experience and knowledge of our direct rival."

He genuinely impressed me; I gained insight on how their business operated and profited with his help. He told me the ins and outs of their company, bringing forth new ideas on how to improve our current tech.

I hate to say it, but he was growing on me.

There were a few more basic things I had asked before the interview concluded. I stood up, extending my hand for him to shake, "We'll be in touch with you within the next few days to see if you're a fit for the company."

"Thank you, Ariana, I appreciate you taking the time to do all of this."

"Of course." I gave him a tight-lipped smile as I escorted him downstairs to reception. Just as I turned to head back to my office, I was handed an envelope, black with a gold ribbon.

I looked with a raised brow, waiting for an explanation but only receiving a shrug. The writing on the envelope was addressed to me clear as day, Ariana Grande-Butera.

I slid my fingers across the top of the paper and pulled the black card out, flipping it open to reveal some more writing and a date.

I read the writing aloud, "'Please join us for the annual Charity Gala, hosted by the Grande's'." I groaned audibly, already dreading this event my parents insisted we host yearly. I've tried to escape it for years and have yet to be successful in doing so.

"What's wrong Ms. Grande?"

I flipped the card to show Leah before heading back to my office.

It was an entire waste of time, I had to spend a ton of money on an outfit, something to donate, and not to mention I had to bring a date. My parents always had something to say, my mother more than my father, but they both were never shy in voicing their opinions on my love life. If I showed up alone, they'd complain, if I showed up with a date, they'd find everything wrong with them. The only person they ever liked was--

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