Chapter Eight

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Ariana's POV:

The several rounds of mimosas I shared with Lauren seemed to kick in all at once. I stumbled my way from the backseat, managing to unlock the front door despite my vision being slightly blurred.

"I'm back." I called out, receiving no response as I locked the door behind me.

I headed to the kitchen with my leftover's, hoping Y/N was up and in the mood for untouched French Toast. I hadn't seen her yet, which was odd, I figured she'd be taking a nap or still asleep in the bedroom. I stumbled down the hall, knocking on the closed door, noticing she wasn't in there either.

It took a minute to remember we had a pool and hot tub, she was likely there.

"Y/N." I said with a smile as I opened the tinted sliding glass door, revealing a topless Y/N in the hot tub. I blinked repeatedly, feeling my mouth go dry at the sight.

"You're not wearing a top?" I asked, looking anywhere but at her.

She laughed, "The bubbles cover my actual chest, it's okay to look Ariana. It's just my collarbones." She reassured, pressuring me to hold eye contact with her. "So, how was the meeting?"

My eyes fell shut, surely, I had to be dreaming.

"It uh," I cleared my throat, opening my eyes to look at my best friend, "It went well, I um, the investors, they um," My hand flew to cover my face out of embarrassment, "They, the investors are interested. They want to collectively put in eight million dollars, which would be enough for us to start operations in Texas. I'd be heading out there for a few months to get everything started, which leads me to my next question."

"Which is?"

"I wanted to know if you would like to go with me, out there? Or would you rather stay home and run things from there until I get back?" I asked, removing my hand to watch her face light up with confusion.

"When I asked for a potential job, I meant as your assistant or something, not take over an entire company. I don't have the knowledge for that."

I squatted down to meet her eye level, managing not to fall into the water just yet, "I would train you to do everything. The flight to Texas wouldn't happen for another few weeks, regardless, your boyfriend is unfortunately going to be stuck to my hip. He wanted the full experience, so I'm going to give him just that."

Y/N tilted her head back, resting it against the concrete surrounding her, as she said, "What does that entail? I want the full experience with you too Ariana." I almost choked on salvia, "You could get another experience right now if you wanted to." I muttered lowly, hoping she didn't hear me, but I was unfortunately mistaken.

"What'd you say?"

"I said I'm going to go back inside."

And that's what I did. I went inside quickly, mentally cursing at myself for my actions. I shouldn't have said anything to begin with. I headed to the bedroom, getting undressed and hoping in the shower.

I tilted my head back, letting the water run through my hair and relax me. I needed this.

The door suddenly opened and in came Y/N, just as shocked as I was.



We simultaneously yelled at each other.

I covered my chest with one hand and used the other to grab my towel in an attempt to cover myself before she could see anything.

"The water is running Y/N." I scolded, listening to her huff on the other side of the door.

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