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"It's going to be so much more fun at Yoongi-ssi's house," you hear Hyeyeon announce as she approaches with the others. You and Jungkook quickly separate.

You wipe away your tears while he ruffles your hair and walks toward the parking lot. You didn't want to be seen together in such an emotional state; it would only spark questions. It was just a moment, amplified by the alcohol. Things would be different once you both sobered up.

"Y/N-ah, what are you doing up here?" Hyeyeon asks as she wraps you in a hug. She was clearly intoxicated.

"Just needed a breather," you reply. "Are we going home?"

"No, we are going to Yoongi-ssi's house. He is having a open house party for his pre-birthday!" Hyeyeon exclaims joyfully.

"I am so excited," Sarang chimes in.

"Let's go!" Miyeon yells enthusiastically.

"I think we should just go home," Jimin says sarcastically, glancing at Taehyung, who nods in agreement.

"Where's Jungkook?" Taehyung asks, looking around.

"Yeah, where is he?" Sarang echoes, her tone indicating she's eager to find him.

"You guys go ahead, I need to talk to Jin oppa," you say, gently removing Hyeyeon's hand from your neck.

"Alright, be quick," she responds, already moving toward the parking lot with the others.

As they all head off to get ice cream, you turn and make your way to find Jin, knowing there are still things left unsaid that needed to be addressed away from the crowd.

"Can you drop me home if you're going out?" you ask as you approach Jin and Namjoon.

"You don't want to tag along?" Jin inquires.

"Not really," you reply, your exhaustion apparent.

"Are you okay, hun?" Jin asks, rubbing your back as the three of you walk further.

"I'm fine, just tired," you say, leaning on him for support.

"Do you want me to stay with you?" he asks, concern coloring his tone.

"No, you should go. I'll be going to sleep anyway," you assure him.

"Are you sure?" he presses, looking for confirmation.

You nod, meeting his gaze to reassure him.

"Okay, is it alright if one of the guys drops you home? Me and Namjoon are heading to grab some food for Yoongi's party," he explains.

"Yes, that's fine," you agree.

"Yah! Where's Jungkook?" Jin calls out to Jimin and Taehyung.

"We don't know. He just texted that he'll meet us at Yoongi hyung's house," Taehyung responds.

"Not Jungkook, please," you quickly add, turning to Jin, who initially looks puzzled but then nods in understanding.

"Okay, can the girls tag along with Jimin? Taehyung, can you drop Y/N home?" Jin directs.

"Oh yeah, sure," Taehyung says, stopping to wait for you.

"Take care and call me if you need anything," Jin tells you.

"I will," you respond with a smile, exchanging goodbyes with Jin and Namjoon. "Bye bye."


"You're definitely missing out on an epic party," Taehyung comments as he drives you home.

"I think I'm getting too old for late-night parties," you reply with a laugh.

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