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A few days later, you found yourself at your parents' place in Daegu, taking a much-needed break after that harrowing night. Life had returned to normal around you, but you were isolating yourself, reeling from the revelation of family secrets and feeling deceived about your own identity.

You were helping your father load the truck with fresh produce you'd picked up together at the farmers market when he asked, "Y/N-ah, would you like some coffee? There's a stall with fresh brews over there." He knew how much you enjoyed organic flavored coffee and was trying to lift your spirits.

With a small smile, you shook your head and climbed into the passenger seat of his pickup truck."How long are you going to dwell on it?" he asked gently as he settled in the driver's seat.

You remained silent, staring out the window as he started the truck and began driving home.

"Why didn't you ever tell me about our family history?" you asked finally, unable to keep it in any longer.

He sighed deeply. "Because your mother always fought me whenever I wanted to share it with you."

You listened intently, the realization sinking in. "Is that why you and Mom used to argue all the time?" you asked, beginning to understand that you may have been the reason for their conflicts.

Your father hesitated before responding, which only solidified your suspicions. "It wasn't always because of that," he said. "We used to find all sorts of things to fight over. It just happened. But not anymore. We've found peace after growing old together."

You listened with a mix of horror and resignation, leaning back in the seat and looking out the window.

"Your mother and I would like you to stay with us until your semester break ends. You've taken a gap, so let's make the most of it. I'll ask Yeonhan to take a break and come home too. We want to spend time with our children."

"No, don't call him back here. I want to keep him away from all of this," you said sharply.

"Don't you think that's what Jin was trying to do when he was protecting you?" your father asked. "Me and your uncle agreed that you and Yeonhan shouldn't know anything about this. We wanted you to live normal lives, and so did Jin. You can't just hold a grudge against him and refuse to speak to him. He's your brother."

You listened silently, his words taking a toll on you.

"So, are you staying?" he asked.

"Not yet," you replied. "I need to head back and sell my house, drop out of college. I'll probably move back, but I need to take control of my life again."

"And moving back will fix things?" he asked.
"Didn't you want to open a cafe in Seoul?"

"Sometimes it's better to leave dreams as dreams," you said. "I'm not ready for any of that right now. I think I'd rather find a job here or help manage our restaurant business."

"I never taught you to give up on your dreams, Y/N," he said, his voice firmer now. "You can't let this change who you are."

"I'm not the same person anymore, and my dreams aren't the same," you said.

"And, what are your dreams or wishes now?"

"I just want a normal life. A normal job. I want to get married to a normal person, have kids, and a normal family. I just want to be happy."

"When did you start thinking this typical? You've always been my extraordinary duaghter" he asked incredulously. "Is that how I raised you?"

"Dad, I'm tired. The path I was on led me to this point, and I can't live like that anymore. I don't want to talk about this anymore."

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