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A/N: Double update!


You had just returned from dropping your parents off at the metro station as they were heading back to Daegu. As you made your way back to Jin's heavily guarded home in Busan, you noticed the other boys were there.

Walking upstairs, you smiled at the guards and paused at the door when you heard the conversation inside.

"At least we know he's still in Korea," one voice said.

"As long as he's not causing any problems, we shouldn't be too aggressive. We don't want to rile up our other rivals and risk them forming a union," another voice cautioned.

"It doesn't matter. I just want to find him and end this once and for all," Jungkook interjected."Jungkook, you're not to harm him," Jin responded firmly.

"Not to harm him? For all we know, he could be behind what happened," Jungkook argued.

"You know how hard we tried to get everything out of Seongjae. Knowing him, I don't think he lied about Bohyun not being involved," another voice reasoned.

"Whatever it is, keep an eye on any disturbances in the market. As long as our people are safe, you're not to do anything reckless. This warning is especially for Jungkook and Taehyung. Don't go out of your way to seek revenge," Jin emphasized.

You then entered the passcode and walked in. Everyone noticed your entrance and quickly dispersed. You exchanged a brief glance with Jungkook before he looked away, chewing on his gum.

Standing in front of Jin, you caught his attention. "I want in on finding Bohyun." you said.

Jungkook chuckled, knowing that wasn't going to happen.

"Just call him Bohyun; he doesn't deserve your respect," Yoongi said, smirking as he looked at his phone.

You turned your head towards Jin, who understood why you still wanted to use formal language towards Bohyun. Jin sighed, leaning on the table and folding his hands, contemplating what to do next.

"Are you seriously considering letting her in?" Jungkook retorts.

Your eyes remain fixed on Jin, who seems torn between letting you in and protecting you.

"Y/N, I understand why you want to be involved, but—"

"Before you say no, watch this," you interrupt, bringing everyone's attention to you.

You pull out your phone, dial a number, and put it on speaker.

"O, Y/N-ah? I was just about to call you," a familiar voice answers.

"And why is that?" you ask.

"I have an update about Bohyun Hyung," he says.

As soon as everyone hears that, they become alert and step closer. Jin, however, remains calm, hands still folded, his eyes shifting between you and the phone.

"That's great, Yeobin," you reply, prompting a mix of surprise from Jin and the others listening to the name, especially Jungkook. He steps closer, staring at the phone intently.

"He is going to attend a big business event next week in Seoul," Yeobin continues. "It's an invitation-only event, but my friend is managing it, so I can get you a pass. Does that sound good?"

"That sounds perfect!" you say, smirking at Jungkook.

"Okay then, I'll email those to you as soon as I get them," Yeobin says.

"Great! You did a good job," you praise.

"Let me know if you need anything. Do you need a gun?" he asks, causing Jungkook to clench his jaw.

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