Chapter 43: Ceremony

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Ben's POV:

Mating ceremonies were a pack-wide event. Usually hosted by that pack who'd lose a member, this situation was different. Who was going where was undecided and our pack was the only one with a territory. For now.

Every mating ceremony took place under the light of a moon, whether it was traditional or modern. The biggest difference between modern and traditional— aside from some modern ceremonies being performed by someone other than pack leaders— was traditional ceremonies meant mates didn't choose many of the colors because it was based on the season a ceremony took place in. We were in Autumn and both Ezra and Alana wanted traditional, so the colors decorating the backyard matched their environment as the leaves had just begun changing.

Red, orange, and yellow leaves and flowers climbed over an arch where the binding would take place. Surrounding the arch were rows of wooden chairs only separated by four aisles, making a circle to represent our moon and pay homage to the Goddess. From an aerial view, it'd look like a circle divided in fours, yet the ceremony was about anything but division.

The east and west aisles would be where Ezra and Alana walked, each aisle traditionally sprinkled with whatever represented the season. In Autumn, it was changed leaves. Winter was snow. Spring was any kind of flower though typically traditionalists leaned towards colors of flowers that accompanied spring: pink, purples, and light greys to represent the storm clouds of spring rain. Summer was sunflowers.

Tess, Kane, Sophia, and Darius would come from the south to represent our packs uniting as allies under the match. Ezra would come from the east aisle, a representation of the first werewolf, Khaos, and the original curse that came with the rise of the full moon. Alana would come from the west, a representation of Khaos's love, Kenna, and the bond that grew strong enough to make them the world's first mates. Together, they'd exit on the north aisle towards the northern star, Polaris. Polaris represented guidance and hope, and their walk towards it together symbolized their decision to find guidance in the world as one.

By the time Hunter and I led a patrol around one last time before the ceremony, our created moon glowed. The center with the arch gleamed with warm, strung lights wrapped around the arch and then encircling the wooden platform the ceremony would take place on. Lining every aisle were small lanterns with already lit candles inside. Along the back of the wooden chairs were more of the same kind of lights decorating the center.

We were about to start.

After shifting and dressing in the clothes we'd left outside, Hunter and I entered the pack house just in time to hear Kane and Tess dismissing everyone outside for their seats. The small group from Alpha Arden's pack passed by us on their way out and I bristled, my gaze darting around for Sophia.

She stood across the room, clad in a deep purple dress. It was long and flowy, the fabric light and clinging to her body, following the very curves I'd had under my hands on a few hours earlier. Hunter clapped me on the back, a link coming in at the same time. I don't know what's up with you recently, but don't forget to breathe around her.

Clearing my throat, I sent him a dirty look and he sniggered. Sophia's eyes wandered as she spoke to Tess and Kane, eventually landing on me. My heart thudded. She smiled. My lungs could've collapsed for how useless they became.

"Stop it!"

The hushed voices tore my gaze away from Sophia, and I saw Kaden standing in the corner with Violet, bent over and clutching his sides while battling back a laugh.

"You know I'm right!" Violet defended.

"You being right doesn't matter, I can't laugh through the whole ceremony!" Kaden straightened himself out and rubbed his hand over his mouth like he was attempting to wipe away the smile. He didn't. If anything, it was bigger. "It's disrespectful."

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