424 30 16

March 2nd

Isn't it a coincidence. How, when you meet someone, it's because they happen to be at the same place as you at the same time right?

Like damn. Especially if you and the person become close, then it's like a blessing in disguise. And you start to think that, that person was meant for you right?

Hmm... so, i wonder if its also a coincidence when you're doing something you're not supposed to. Like when you just keep staring at memories of you and that person, and when you can't seem to stay off their socials, or out of your message threads.

Can that be considered a coincidence too?

Because if so, to hell with that shit. With that being said, I'm officially over the past and I'm ready to continue on with life now. Even though i said that and was firm on it, it didn't stop me from being the asshole I am.

Well it's not being an asshole entirely, I just wanted to have a lil fun. So here I am sitting in someone's parents living room, attending their "surprise birthday party"

In my defense though, my mom dragged me down here. I told her that Morgan and I weren't really on talking terms, but she just told me that we were definitely gonna get over it. She didn't even know that we were fucking off with each other for a while, that's how normal it was to see us together.

I was gonna tell her honestly because she thinks that I'm just out here spreading myself around, I just don't know how. Ma, your 24 year old is dating her 20 year old best friend. The one you helped raise, basically your second daughter.

How would that even sound to everyone else? My phone buzzed in my pocket & interrupted my thought train, I slid it out seeing a text from my homie asking where I was.

I sighed lightly before getting up, gaining the attention of my mom. "Where're you going—."

"—got business to handle. I'll be back later—."

"—nope. Sit down—."

"—Ma I'll talk to her later, I gotta go.." Everyone else began cheering besides us two so I glanced up and made eye contact with her. She looked away quickly and I smirked to myself before glancing back to see one of her friends behind her.

We locked eyes for a moment and she nudged Morgan's shoulder, that's when I looked back down at my mom who was focusing on her. I grabbed my keys off the couch and walked around it, heading toward the downstairs bathroom.

I shut the door behind myself and stared in the mirror, smirking at myself while I leaned against the sink. Everything in me just wanted to be so fucking petty and lowdown.

Man I can't do it.

"I can't do it." I mumble to myself, chuckling a lil bit. I pulled out my phone and texted my homie back.


I flicked the light off and stepped out of the bathroom, sliding my phone back into my pocket before I made my way toward the living room again.

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