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The following night

"Moo.." I shook her leg slightly, she hummed in return but stayed balled up in her position in the passenger seat, not bothering to open her eyes. "Wake up, we here." I told her while pulling into the lot, I heard her sigh heavily but it was more tired than annoyed.

"You been sleep since we left home, get up." I insisted after finding a spot, turning the car off afterwards. "I'm still sleepy." She admitted with a mumble, I hummed in return. While leaning back in my seat, glancing over at her.

She opened her eyes at the feeling of me staring, a small frown on her face which made me chuckle lightly. "Come on, Moo."

"I'm hungry." She mumbled softly while leaning up, rubbing her eyes in the midst. "Ok, come on."

I let her get herself together before we got out of the car, she rested her head against my arm as we walked toward the entrance. "It's cold." She mumbled while stuffing her hands in my jacket pocket, I smacked my lips in return only to hear a small giggle from her.

"I have to use the bathroom too."

"I told you not to drink all that shit anyway." I mention the water that her lil thirsty ass gulped down 15 minutes into the car ride. "I was thirsty."

"That don't mean drink the whole water."

"You coulda stopped at the store before left." She said back to me, I smack my lips. "You the one complaining about being here all night."

"Shut up." She told me. "You shut up." I replied.

"You shut up."

"You shut up."

"You shu—."

"—you shut up." I cut her off as we walked through the entrance, heading towards the booth where I gave them the info from the tickets I bought on line the previous night. After that we were free to do our thang, but of course Morgan wanted to eat first.

Well she actually went to the bathroom first.. but after that we were walking around searching for something that looked appealing to her since she said she didn't want any junk, so we ended up at corn dogs and tenders.

"What you want?" I ask her as we get in line behind another couple, she looked up from her phone at the menu and squinted her eyes before shrugging. "Why the corn dogs look so long?"

"They do look long as fuck." I mumble in agreement while scratching my head, my eyes scanning over the menu. "You want 3 tenders or 5?"

"How big are they?"

"Shit they look... I don't know, look at it." I point up top at the display picture, she glanced over before humming. "Ima get 3."

"You sure? Cause I'm not sharing shit with you." I tell her ahead of time, glancing down at her smaller self. "Yes I'm sure, and ok, I don't want your food anyway." She replied sassily while rolling her eyes, I chuckled.

"Ok.. don't be doing all that whining and crying either." I said again while moving up, she followed behind me. "Hi, what can I get you two today?"

best friendHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin