686 44 2

Aug 29th

Morgan puckered her lips up at her reflection, she had just finished up her appearance and was satisfied with her look overall. Her and the girls preparing to go out for a night, like they had been doing all week.

They finally went on their little Miami trip and it had been fun nonstop for the ladies. Though they had been numerous times before, it was always good vibes out in the city and there was never a dull moment with them.

"Mo, you ready?!"

"Yeah!" She replied back, flipping her hair over her shoulder running her thumb over her brow. She turned and made her way out of the bathroom of the hotel and grabbed her purse from the bed.

"Where everybody else?"

"In their rooms. Riyah's on her way here." Breia replied while sitting on the bed, her and Morgan sharing a room like always. The two girls were always hand in hand no matter where they went, and if you asked them they'd be buried hand and hand.

"You should've been born lightskin." Breia joked at Morgan, watching as the girl posed in the mirror, Morgan chuckled in response. "What you tryna say?"

"I said what I had to say."

"Girl if thats the case then me and you both." Just as she said that the girl stood and began observing and posing in the mirror as well, her and Morgan bursting into laughter afterward.


"We look good." She shrugged, Morgan humming in agreement while grabbing her phone. They posed and took a few pictures with each other before Breia stepped away to play some music while they waited on the other girls.

Her and Morgan vibed in the room alone since they made plans to just meet up somewhere for lunch for now. "You got the keycard?" Morgan asked the girl as she trailed out behind her, she hummed as the door closed up and glanced down the hall.

"This hotel is nice as fuck."

"Right. Isn't this the one we stayed at last time?"

"No, you're thinking of NYC." She replied, Morgan humming in return while making her way down the hall with Breia behind her. She pressed the elevator button and they stood for a few seconds before it came, opening up there were already 2 women on and they were only dressed in bikinis.

Morgan stepped in and pressed 1, crossing her arms while staring down at the floor. She heard a faint sound coming from the other side of the elevator so she glanced over to see Breia carelessly standing against the wall on her phone.

The elevator dinged seconds later and Morgan walked off with Breia behind her, they glanced around the lobby but didn't see their friends which made Morgan huff, Breia looked up.

"They ass gonna take forever." She started up, Breia humming in agreement while going to the Uber app. "We can go ahead and head there, they'll catch up."

"You hungry too huh?"

"Hell yeah." She replied back, they both laughed at each other. Enjoying how they were so alike in a lot of ways, Morgan and Breia probably being the closest out of everyone.

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