Chapter 40

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"Really?!" Dosha asked in surprise.

"Yes!" Binta exclaimed happily.

"When did he come with his proposal?" Dosha asked again, adjusting the babbling baby on her hip.

"Yesterday morning. It came as a surprise. The excitement was so much I almost came to the palace to you. It's a good thing you asked me to accompany you to the orphanage."

"Your highness! Let me take this boy off you, he's soiling your clothe." The caretaker of the orphanage made a way to take her grandchild from the Queen.

The boy, as if sensing his grandmother clung to Dosha, "No, don't worry. He's fine here." She patted his back as he continued playing with her earring.

The woman hesitated, "If you say so, your highness." The woman said, walking away.

"So, what were we talking about?....Ah! Yes, your marriage proposal." Binta nodded, "Your family, were they welcoming of him?"

"Very well, they already knew about the King's shield from the onset. The way my mother treated his kinsmen, you will think they are family."

"That means she has been expecting it for a very long time. It's a good thing, sooner you all will be considered family." Dosha said, earning a grin from the baby instead.

"Her dream of getting her first daughter married is coming true, in few years now, Hajara will be next. And my brothers, well, she and my father looked like they have given up on them, but I know too well. They want grandchildren, many of them."

"They are men, you two are women, theirs will come a bit late but your's has to be early. That's the logic. And you will be the first to give them a grandchild or children, God willing." Dosha said, signalling the maid trailing behind her to distribute some things.

Fortunately, she caught her friend blushing seriously, "You are blushing?" She let out a little laugh, "I can't believe...."

"Stop it," She muttered, looking anywhere but her, "You are thinking far Dosha."

Dosha shrugged, "You brought up the grandchildren talk first."

She rolled her eyes, sighing, "It is just the idea of getting married firstly, the rest will will come after that. I'm really anxious. What does it feel like to be married?"

"It is wonderful, great. There will be times you feel like you're regretting it but it is just the negative thinking, the love you harbour eventually crush that pessimistic thought. Understanding is the key. When you two understand each other, it will feel extraordinary, I tell you." The Queen explained.

"It takes a lot of effort and commitment. I like to think Hamza as a different man from all men."

"I also think the King that way, but after marriage, you'll discover more to why you think he is different from other men." Binta nodded, again.

"I'm still trying to decipher your words, they hold a meaning. Thank you so much Dosha, I really appreciate this time with you," Binta thanked her.

"You're welcome, Fatima," She noticed another flushed face, "Let me guess, he calls you Fatima right?" She shook her head in disbelief, walking ahead of Dosha who chuckled at her reaction.

They continued talking about the soonest marriage ceremony, the date, preparation and the likes of it, at the same time, covering the other parts of the orphanage and distributed her and the King's donations.

"I have to get going, it's getting late." Binta said, after gazing outside.

"Let me see you off." Dosha offered.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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