Chapter 35 Past V

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As days turned into weeks, Mythili and Mrityunjay grew closer—or rather, Mythili felt they did. Her initial crush on him blossomed into a deep, unspoken love. She adored him secretly, treasuring every moment they spent together. She wasn't aware that Mrityunjay had noticed her feelings long ago and was playing his own game to win her over. Despite her growing affection, she hesitated to express her feelings, fearing it might disrupt their fragile bond.

Mrityunjay made it a point to spend time with Mythili every evening. Whether it was a walk in the gardens, a quiet dinner ofcourse made by her, or simply talking about their days, these moments became the highlights of Mythili's life. She was happy in these little cocoons feeling with Mrityunjay. Her heart soared, and she began to dream of a future with Mrityunjay, imagining the family she had always longed for. To her, Mrityunjay was the embodiment of all her hopes and dreams.

However, Mrityunjay's feelings were far from reciprocated. Behind his facade of concern and affection, his hatred for Mythili simmered. Every time he saw her dance, embodying her passion and dedication, his disdain grew. To him, her dancing was a degradation, a stark contrast to the values he upheld. Yet, he masked his contempt with a nonchalant demeanor, always pretending to support her endeavors.

He made a show of picking her up from college, feigning concern and interest in her daily life. Mythili, in her innocence, took his actions as genuine care and affection. She cherished these gestures, feeling closer to him each day.

Mythili's dance academy flourished with her presence. Known for teaching various forms of dance, the academy's reputation soared, attracting more students and patrons. Mythili's talent and dedication brought fame not only to herself but also to the institution. She became a celebrated figure in her local city, admired for her grace and skill.

Despite her rising fame of being a teacher and charitable dances to raise funds, Mythili remained humble, focusing her thoughts on Mrityunjay. She believed that their relationship was growing stronger, that he was beginning to see her as more than just a friend. Little did she know that Mrityunjay's hatred was reaching its peak, every moment spent with her fueling his inner conflict. He despised her dancing, yet he continued to play the part of a supportive companion, his true intentions hidden beneath layers of deceit.

As Mythili's love for Mrityunjay deepened, she felt like she was finally living her dreams. She envisioned a future where they would be a family, where her love would be reciprocated. Her heart was filled with hope and joy, unaware of the darkness lurking behind Mrityunjay's charming exterior. The more she adored him, the more determined he became to execute his plan, a plan that hinged on breaking her heart in the most brutal way possible.


One day, Mrityunjay picked Mythili up and took her to a secret place in the city, a lush green garden she cherished in the whole city. She never brought up Adwait’s name, knowing how sensitive a topic it was for Mrityunjay.

Mrityunjay opened with Mythili. Her shine in eyes he anticipated as greed for money. ALso Mythili was genuinely concerned about his job and success. He once shared about him working in ABC….Company as a team leader. Now Mythili’s prayers also had a share for Mrityunjay and his well being.

"Umm Mitthu!" Mythili said with a sheepish smile as she knew what his response would be by this nickname.

Mrityunjay glared at her as anticipated "How many times have I told you not to call me that?"

"What? It’s a sweet name, Mitthu. I like it."she feigned 

"It’s my name. You have no right to spoil it."he gritted as his royal blood didin’t take disobedience.

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