Chapter 18-Self Battles

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Please suggest  me covers doe Austerity.

With love


Vidyut and Mrityunjay, after much negotiation, finally found common ground and agreed to the terms proposed. With the project now in the pipeline, anticipation hung in the air like a palpable energy waiting to be unleashed.

As the meeting commenced, Mrityunjay's sharp eyes caught Mythili's intense focus on the paperwork spread out before her. Despite the hustle and bustle of the meeting room, the presence of both legal teams added a layer of formality and gravity to the atmosphere.

Mythili couldn't help but sense Mrityunjay's gaze lingering on her, a silent acknowledgment amidst the cacophony of legal jargon and discussions. It was as if their connection transcended the confines of the corporate setting, hinting at a deeper understanding yet to be explored.

Meanwhile, the legal teams meticulously sifted through documents, ensuring every clause and detail adhered to the agreed terms. The weight of responsibility hung heavy in the air, each word spoken carrying the weight of the impending project's success.

Amidst the sea of paperwork and legal formalities, the unspoken tension between Mythili and Mrityunjay added an intriguing layer to the proceedings. Their silent exchange spoke volumes, hinting at a shared vision and determination to see the project through to fruition.

Despite the chaotic symphony of voices and rustling papers, there was an undeniable sense of purpose in the room—a shared commitment to turning their collective vision into reality. And as the meeting progressed, it became clear that this collaboration between Vidyut, Mrityunjay, and Mythili was destined for greatness, fueled by passion, determination, and mutual respect.

Vidyut, with a cheerful smile, suggested, "So team, it's been quite a long time. Why don't we all move to the cafeteria and have some brunch and refreshments?"

“Mr. Agnihotri,”  Mrityunjay, replied curtly, "Not needed."

But Vidyut persisted, saying, "I insist, Sir, please." However, Mrityunjay remained engrossed in his laptop, not even lifting his head. He knew Vidyut was his close friend and a well wisher with great sense indeed, but here Mrityunjay was facing another challenge called Mythili.

Vidyut sighed, shaking his head in disappointment as he knew Mrityunjay was the one of those who prioritized their work and here it was for the welfare of the people. 

"It seems some are very devoted to work... If they work so dedicatedly, then why are we here signing up for the project?" Vidyut huffed, feeling a bit annoyed. His staff needed a break.

**This girl is messing up with me. Hell I am the crowned Prince and she is here not to even gaze at me.**

Mrityunjay finally looked up, his expression turning serious. Vidyut’s face was filled with worry when he saw Mythili changing position at the same place on the chair 

"All are tired. It's been three hours, and Mythili has a backache problem which has made her face pale. She may not say it, but I need to understand my workers, whether they are male or female," Mrityunjay fumed in anger listening to Vidyut's concern laced words, shooting a glance at Mythili.

Feeling a sense of responsibility, Mrityunjay looked at Mythili who was still engrossed in her work. Mrityunjay  took out his phone and messaged Shlok, "I would like to have my green tea here itself."

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