Chapter 25 TRUTH

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“Good Morning Sir!” Mythili greeted Mrityunjay and looked at her. But his fingers were dancing on the laptop keypad. The whole room was vibrated by his typing. Mythili anticipated his anger but the reason was unknown to her. She decided to wait and glance at him till the time.

Mrityunjay's demeanor took on a twisted and taunting air as he discovered Mythili in his office. His lips curled into a sardonic smirk, eyes ablaze with a mix of surprise and amusement. With deliberate steps of his eyes, he approached her visage , each movement calculated to assert dominance. His voice dripped with subtle condescension as he remarked, 

"Well, well, what do we have here? Mythili, what a surprise to see you gracing my domain." His tone held a hint of mockery, tinged with a dark undercurrent that sent shivers down Mythili's spine. 

Despite the tension crackling in the air, there was a sense of dangerous allure in his presence, drawing her in despite her better judgment. He was the king and the youth icon, his each and every gesture full of suspense and made his foes pee in pants. With a predatory glint in his eyes, Mrityunjay circled her, his proximity suffocating yet intoxicating. 

Every word he uttered carried a veiled threat, a promise of unknown consequences. Mythili felt a rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins, unsure whether to be afraid or intrigued by the enigmatic man before her. In that moment, amidst the charged atmosphere of his office, she realized that she had unwittingly stepped into a game where Mrityunjay held all the cards.

“S..Sir you wanted my presence for the accounts check, as Mr. Vidyut Agnihotri told me.”

Maintaining a calm demeanor, Mythili met Mrityunjay's twisted and daunting stance with composed resolve. With a steady gaze, she returned his smirk with a faint, hesitating  smile, her eyes betraying none of the turmoil within. "Ah, S..Sir..Mr. Mrityunjay," she began, her voice steady despite the storm brewing beneath the surface, 

"What a curious turn of events. It seems fate has a peculiar sense of humor." he leaned back to his chair giving her a proper view of himself.

Her words held a subtle edge, a hint of underlying defiance that belied her outward composure. Though she knew his twisted motivations stemmed from her previous rejection, she refused to show any sign of weakness or fear. Instead, she chose to meet his taunts with a calculated nonchalance, refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing her ruffled. 

With each measured word, she subtly shifted the power dynamics, reclaiming control over the situation. Behind her calm facade, however, lay a simmering determination to outmaneuver him at his own game, to turn the tables and emerge victorious. Mythili understood all too well the stakes of this encounter, recognizing it as a battle of wills where only the cunning would prevail. And as she stood her ground in the face of Mrityunjay's twisted machinations, she silently vowed to exact her own form of revenge, one that would leave him rueing the day he crossed her path.

“Sir, I am waiting for the task for which you called me.” Mrityunjay gritted his teeth but still glaring at her with a stoic face.

“Ah! Yes Ms. Mythili, take those files from the right shelf third one. It has every information related to the accounts. First, be discreet about the matter and second never do anything without asking or taking permission of mine.”

“Yes Sir.” Mythili replied softly, listening to growling in his voice. 

As Mythili faced Mrityunjay, her emotions churned beneath a carefully crafted facade of calm resolve. Deep within her, a whirlwind of conflicting feelings raged, each vying for dominance over her psyche. 

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