Chapter 8-Punishment

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Mrityunjay was sitting on the sofa while his head was bursting in pain. His face was void of any expression. The lady sitting in front of him looked at him weirdly but for the sake of the personality he was having she was saying nothing.

Mrityunjay smiled and sipped his tea. He closed his eyes in contentment. The lady heaved a sigh and said

“S…Sir I was thinking how you come in our home to make it more graceful.”Mrityunjay chuckled at the sugarcoated words of the lady

“’s needed to know the family of our party members. I am sorry to not grace this house before but I must say you will remember this visit of mine.” She frowned but smiled back. His reply left her puzzled

“I know Mrs. Solanki you won’t like uninvited guests..”

“Yes but not GOD!”she replied with full courtesy. He raised his brow with her reply and nodded affirming the same.

“Now you make me your fan, Mam!” They both laughed when the entry of Mr. Solanki registered in the beautiful drawing room. Mr. Solanki was very happy to see Mrityunjay at his home.

“Welcome Welcome to my humble abode Your highness.”he greeted him and Mrityunjay continued sipping his tea.

“Mrs. Solanki, you made perfect tea. I was suffering from a HEADACHE and now it’s gone!”

“Thank You Sir!”she replied

“Sir please join us for dinner! My wife cooks the world’s best food.” Mr. Solanki flattered but Mrityunjay didn’t glance at him which noticed by Mrs. Solanki. Mr. SOlanki leaned back to the sofa whenThey heard bickering of the kids. Mrityunjay looked into he way and saw two teenagers were fighting

“How dare you use my crème on foot?”a female teenager sulked

“Like this!” The boy took some crème out from the tube and massaged it on his foot.


“What’s a big deal my feet was rough and dry so I used it because I saw you using on your ugly face which didn’ change a bit.”the lad answered nonchalantly. Now the girl was furious she stomped her feet and came to the couple.

“Papa! See him..” the girl came running after getting retort from her brother

“Rohan, don't tease her! She is your younger sister bacha!” Mrityunjay closed his eyes and smiled masking his havoc

“Hey Girl, What's your name?” Then the girl noticed one more presence. She stood up and jump

“Oh my God the famous, young, handsome and hot Minister is in our home. Papa, why didn’t you tell me? I would have to get ready.” She pouted. Mr. Solanki looked at the sly smile of Mrityunjay.


“Hey don’t feel bad, baby. Come here!”he asked the girl who ran to him and Mrityunjay hugged her tightly but not so much. The girl clinged to him. Rohan entered the room and saw him rubbing his hand on his sister’s waist.

“Jiya leave him and comes to me. it’s about Papa’s work we don’t need to indulge.” Rohan quipped and Mrityunjay smiled at the Boy’s possessiveness for his sister

“Jiya what a beautiful name! just like you. Come sit! “ he patted on the arm set and Jiya without thinking sat there. Mrityunjay held her hand. Mr. and Mrs. Solanki looked at Mrityunjay frowning at his actions.

“Jiya beta go with Bhai!” Mr. Solanki said lovingly while Rohan gritted his teeth. Mrityunjay was happy to see his love for his sister.

“No, I will sit with him. You know papa, many girls in my class are his fans. They keep his photo in their books.” Jiya described when Mrityunjay kept his hand on her thigh. She didn’t notice but Rohan did. He was about to lash when Mrs. Solanki asked sternly

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