Chapter 13

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Dear Cherries,

Hello to you all,

This cold is making more lazy yaar! Yes I am late but not because of cold but I am going to finish up my Another story on another plateform .

Yeah! And bless me with more comments..everyone is welcome.

I got many friends here and trust me when I say that I live you all and grateful for this.

Wattpad is my family..okay okay virtual hi sahi😍😍😍

So here is the update must read it and also follow me yaar its nearly two freaking years and i didnt crises even 500 followers.

You all are my strength when you comment and follow I encouraged for more writing.

Poor me! So I am feeling weak so give me my follow and vote potion so that I can write the another Bombastic chapter honeys.

I am stoping my rant here.

With Love


Next to be King Mrityunjay, adorned in custom attire, concealed a lethal craving behind a mask of royal composure. Though the desire to end his wife's life simmered within, the weight of societal expectations held his hand. 

He was looking at the moon unblinking searching warmth and himself which he lost

I am bearing the repercussions of my sins or you can say getting what I delivered and experiencing.

Forced to play the part of a devoted husband in the public eye, his every step echoed the internal turmoil. The realm witnessed a spectacle of love, unaware of the perilous dance on the edge of darkness within the king's conflicted heart.

Kavya's marital fidelity wavered as the weight of secrecy bore down on her. Hidden liaisons and clandestine meetings cast shadows over the vows she had once sworn. 

Her continuous betrayal to the marriage due to her developing desire to be the Queen of the realm. Her strong urge to make Mrityunjay take up the crown was heightened.

In the silence of her deceit, the fabric of trust unravelled, leaving behind a complex tapestry of broken promises and the echoes of a once-devoted union tainted by her disloyalty.

Another side

She was sitting on the window pane slab looking at the moon smiling as her book was still near her heart. It was her treasure which she loved moreover her life.

Mythilli's love bore the weight of unspoken pain, rooted in pure intentions. Her heart, a garden of selfless affection, nurtured love with delicate care. 

Yet, circumstances conspired against her, weaving a tapestry of longing and unfulfilled desires. The agony of a love that could not find its rightful place echoed in the depths of her soul, a poignant melody of emotions resonating with the purity of her intentions.

Time skipped and Mythili went to sleep. 

Next day she did her daily chores and reached the office as today there were some high command guests waiting. Vidyut however knew the COmpany CEO personally but here when the Business talk there was nothing personal.

**Mythili:**Good morning, Sir. I've been reviewing the proposal, and I think we have a strong case for this semi-government deal. I hope we will get this project.

**Vidyut:** Morning, Mythili. I agree. The tailored solutions we've outlined align perfectly with their requirements. Our track record in similar projects adds significant weight to our presentation.

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