Chapter 33- Past III

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Past COntinues

That was the confrontation of Mythili in front of the mighty King Ajinkya Gaikwad. The same one whom’s name was enough to shake the Parliament alone. Ajinkya’s first interaction with Myhtili surely led to the consequences but who cared when Myhtili stated the facts. Being a King he needed to respect the women whether they were labourers or dancers, High or low but the respect was not slave of the perception or any class. 

In the corridors of power, there exists a figure who embodies the paradox of arrogance and honour, a politician whose demeanour commands attention and respect. Ajinkya Gaiwad the name and a man known for his formidable presence and unwavering ambition.

Ajinkya Gaikwad strided through the marble halls of state parliament with an air of undeniable authority. Tall and impeccably dressed in tailored suits, his piercing gaze and confident ROyal demeanour leave no doubt that he considers himself a cut above the rest. His speeches were delivered with eloquence and precision, each word carefully chosen to convey both his intellect and his sense of superiority.

Behind the veil of arrogance, however, lies a man deeply committed to what he believes was best for his constituents and the nation. He had a reputation for championing causes that others shy away from, unafraid to take unpopular stands if he believes they were right. His followers and co-politicians might grumble about his tactics, but they cannot deny his effectiveness.

Despite his imperious nature, Senior Gaikwad had a certain magnetism that drew people to him. He exuded charisma in public settings, effortlessly captivating audiences with his charm and wit. Behind closed doors, though, his expectations are high and his demands exacting. He expects nothing less than excellence from his team, pushing them to their limits in pursuit of his vision.

In matters of diplomacy, Senior Gaikwad was a force to be reckoned with. His negotiation skills were unparalleled, and he was known for brokering deals that others deemed impossible. He approached international relations with a mixture of pragmatism and idealism, always striving to uphold the dignity and interests of his country.

Ajinkya was a complex figure—a blend of arrogance and honour, ambition and integrity. His path might be controversial, but there is no denying that he leaves an indelible mark on the political landscape, challenging conventions and reshaping the future with each step he takes. He was a strict follower of the old traditions and followed them without a miss. The females of their royale clan were free to do anything but behind the curtain.

Ajinkya considered Mythili a poor and arrogant brat and a low class girl who was dancing and singing to entertain the men and the folks deserved no attention from his side. He was the man who believed that women’s work or their birth was on this earth only for production and lead the life with the luxuries their husband provides. He was a firm believer in male chauvinistic terms.

( This kind of description is only to help and understand the character of Ajinkya Gaikwad. Author is strictly against such thinking.)

Dancing, acting, and field work were like a pathetic job. Women should respect the family of their husband and stay as per their status, generate heir for the generation. It was decided by nature and whom we were to disbalance the same.

These rules were set by nature itself and he wanted to follow it. Many could not relate it but according to him, women need to be tied with the traditions. 

Mythili’s reply left him burning in outrage but he controlled. 

Kavya found herself captivated by Ajinkya's regal and esteemed reputation, despite her initial astonishment. He embodied everything she had envisioned for her life. After the party ended, she persistently persuaded Sahil to accompany her to the party office to meet Ajinkya. Sahil was hesitant, unsure of Kavya's sudden involvement in such matters, but he yielded to her stubborn determination.

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