Chapter 3-Fears

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The small cottage was illuminated with the candle ‘s dim light. The room had minimal things, an old wooden half broken couch cum bed, enough to occupy her body. 

Two plastic chairs which were never occupied by any guest were kept in the corner . An old cupboard which was not painted and faded, like it was hit by the harsh experience of life.

SHe and the things in the room remind her that they all are left by someone once who adored her, contracting the last fact by adoration?

She was reading a book or you can say watching a particular page. A tear escaped from her eyes. She wiped off the layer of tears but smiled. She closed her eyes while tracing her fingers on that particular page.

She drank some water and proceeded with her  daily routine. She opened her secret drawer in an old cupboard. 

It was the most precious asset she had in the room. Her fingers traced the picture lovingly like her touch would scratch the picture.

She looked at the watch to see the time . SHe sighed looking at the watch it was showing at three am. She freshened up and as She had to catch the early morning bus to reach the orphanage. 

It was her last way of hope or desire to live, whelve all the memories. SHe looked at her kitchen with a distanced look. SHe smiled but there was no soul in that only emptiness

You should smile because if you smile it will give peace to my soul and heart!

SHe caught the bus and sat. SHe was inkling the early dawn dream. It was not new her past memories were not leaving her. Tears brimmed in her eyes when the conductor asked for the payment of the ticket. She took out the money to buy a ticket. Bus conductor gave her a look. 

He knew her as she was traveling from this only bus from past some years. She never spoke a single word because this conductor felt that she was dumb. She was looking outside the window and feeling the cold breeze of morning.

Soon the bus stop arrived and she stepped down. She covered herself from the dupatta properly like a shawl and clutched her half torn handbag tightly under her arms. She knocked the door of orphanage when a girl in her early twenty opened the gate

“Namaste Didi!” she greeted her politely

“Namaste! All were awake?”She came inside while the girl named Aditi. SHe was a cheerful girl and worked in the orphanage as an attendant. She was a scholar and inspired by her DIDI very much.

Even she tutoring the kids in the orphanage. Being an orphan was never easy to anyone but after the arrival of Didi everything changed. She filled the life in the orphanage.

“No Didi!”

“These noughties!” SHE SMILED

“You made them all like this.”Aditi giggled making her smile

“It's their school time Aditi! We need to make them wake up early.”

“Okay didi, I will try.”she ran to the rooms of the kids.

“No, you start preparing for breakfast and help the cook.”she put her bag aside. Aditi smiled and went to the kitchen and started to help the cook.

She woke up the kids and asked them to be ready till then she went to the kitchen and found Aditi was ready with her famous ginger tea. 

Sister Vinita came after sometime and saw both girls. They all prayed when the kids left for the school by the caretakers. 

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