Chapter 23 Plan

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Mrityunjay sat in his study, the weight of frustration and anger pressing down on him like a heavy cloak. He couldn't shake off the disbelief at Mythili's apparent ignorance towards him, her indifference cutting deep into his soul. Every time he thought about it, a surge of resentment bubbled up inside him, threatening to overflow.

He had poured his heart out to her, bared his vulnerabilities, and yet she seemed oblivious to his feelings. How could she not see the depth of his affection, the intensity of his emotions? It was as if his efforts had been in vain, as if she had cast them aside without a second thought. It was just his thought that he was good to her but in reality the damage beyond repair he had done.

As he replayed their interactions in his mind, a bitter taste filled his mouth. He had tried to express himself, to make her understand, but she remained distant, her responses devoid of the warmth he craved. It was like talking to a wall, each word falling on deaf ears, each gesture met with indifference.

The frustration boiled within him, fueling the flames of his anger. How dare she treat him this way? How dare she dismiss his feelings so callously? He had given her his heart, laid it bare before her, and she had trampled upon it without a second thought.

But beneath the anger lay a deeper sense of hurt, a wounded vulnerability that he dared not show to the world. He felt exposed, as if all his flaws and insecurities had been laid bare for Mythili to see. And yet, instead of embracing him, she had turned away, leaving him feeling rejected and alone.

“How dare you Mythili? I shared all this as it was a long time. Maybe you forgot all those matters and lived your life but you shocked me coming in front of me. I am already messed innerly and you make it more difficult.”

In that moment, Mrityunjay realized that his anger was not just directed at Mythili, but at himself as well. He was angry for allowing himself to be so vulnerable, for opening up his heart to someone who couldn't or wouldn't reciprocate his feelings. And yet, despite the pain it caused him, he couldn't bring himself to regret it entirely, for in loving BY HER…ONCE, he had experienced a depth of emotion he had never known before.

I  miss it I don’t know in these years after that night I felt like something missing in my life my entire being…all these years I was never felt content but A simple glimpse of yours, a minor thought or remembrance of yours make me like what I have missed ……It was You…It is YOU.

But as the storm raged within him, there was a flicker of hope, a small voice urging him not to give up. Perhaps Mythili was simply unaware of the depth of his feelings, perhaps she needed more time to come to terms with them. And so, despite the anger and frustration that threatened to consume him, he resolved to hold on to that hope, to cling to the possibility that one day, she might see him as he truly was: a man consumed by love.

He was in his palace in the outskirts of the city, the sound of punching resonating and the royal guards were looking at him fearfully as the King was in a very bad mood.

Mrityunjay (punching the bag furiously) “Damn it, Mythili! How can she be so oblivious to what I'm feeling? It's like talking to a brick wall! There was something I am missing. She can't change like this. So cold towards me.” with each thought the next punch became more severe.

Inner voice (filled with anger and madness) “She just stands there, acting like nothing's wrong, like my feelings don't even matter to her. How can she be so blind to the pain she's causing me? She forgot who I am and what power I hold?”

Mrityunjay (landing another punch) “I pour my heart out, and what do I get in return? Silence. Indifference. It's like she enjoys watching me suffer.”

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