🪞𝓕𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓓𝓸𝔀𝓷🪞

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Author's POV:-

May lies still on the bed, her face pale against the stark white sheets. The steady beep of the heart monitor is the only sound, punctuating the heavy silence. Ian sits beside her, his face etched with worry, his fingers intertwined with hers.

Ian's heart sinks as he watches May, The memory of the accident plays in his mind like a haunting film reel.

He gently brushes a strand of hair from her forehead, his touch hesitant as if he's afraid to disturb her fragile state.

A nurse enters the room, her footsteps echoing in the quiet space. Ian's gaze follows her, his eyes pleading for any sign of hope. The nurse offers a reassuring smile, but Ian can see the concern in her eyes.

As May slowly wakes in her hospital bed the next day, the sterile white room blurs into focus. Confusion clouds her mind as she tries to recall how she ended up here. Ian, with a reassuring smile, sits beside her, gently squeezing her hand.

"Don't worry, Miss. Everything's going to be alright," he assures her.

Just then, the doctor enters, her expression grave. She explains the severity of May's head injury and the importance of rest for her recovery.

"You've been through quite an ordeal,"----- the doctor says softly,------ "but with proper rest, you'll be back on your feet in no time. However, if you don't take it easy, there could be serious consequences."

May's heart races with a mixture of fear and confusion. She nods, absorbing the weight of the doctor's words, knowing that she must heed their advice if she wants to avoid further complications.

May's voice trembles as she watches the doctor leave, her mind swirling with worry for Noah.

Turning to Ian, she gathers the courage to ask the question weighing heavily on her heart. "Ian, what about Noah? Did you... were you able to save him?"

Ian's eyes soften with sorrow as he takes May's hand, his own grip tightening with empathy.

"Miss, I'm so sorry," he begins, his voice is heavy with regret. "When I found you, you were badly injured. I had to get you to safety, and I didn't have enough time to do something---- I'm sorry Miss"

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