🪞"𝒜 𝒯𝒶𝓁𝑒 𝒪𝒻 𝒯𝒾𝓂𝑒"🪞

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Author's POV:-

In a vast field of golden wheat, the sun gently kisses the earth, painting the sky with hues of gold, the air is crisp and fragrant, filled with nature's sweet perfume, birds sing their melodies, fields come alive, adorned with blankets of green, butterflies dances in the breeze, its a whimsical scene. The warmth embraces his skin, like a gentle caress,

"haahhh" he sighed,

Walking for a while the guy stumbled upon a girl, she had mysterious eyes, eyes that holds pain' and secrets, Her red hair, flowing silk, dances through the winds, her smooth skin as porcelain,
Her lips are like rose petals, she's the most beautiful girl he had seen in his entire life.
He walked towards her and spoke out,
"What a lovely day, isn't"?
She turned around to looked at him, hesitating to say anything, by the appearance of the guy he seems to belong from a wealthy family, she thought.

"Oh my sweet lord" he gasped,

"What happened"? She startled,

"What a beautiful face yet eyes carrying the weight of unspoken emotions" he said,

The girl smiled softly,

"The name is Timothy Bradford, very pleased to meet you" he said,

"Timothy as in the prince,"? She asked,

The guy nodded,

"Greetings my lord, my name is May"
She said bowing to him,

They talked for a while, and Timothy got to know that she's just a normal girl, who doesn't have any roof on her head , she ran away from her house but she wouldn't tell why, Timothy is the prince, so he never talked to anyone apart from the people of his palace, So he doesn't know what to say or do to make her feel comfortable around him, clearly she's sad coz she has nowhere to go. So he decided to offer her if she can stay in his palace and work there as a servent for a while, after that if she doesn't like it she can move out from there.

Timothy is a prince so he always was surrounded by beautiful lady's all around his place, but never in his entire life he met a girl as simple, and as beautiful as May. So he took a liking to her in the first look. With each passing day, their connection grew deeper, like the roots of an ancient tree intertwining. His heart danced to the rhythm of her melancholy, and he knew he had fallen in love. He always wanted to know the reason of her sadness but doesn't matter how much he tries May never shared her deeper secrets or her emotions to him. She was always smiling whenever they talked, but Timothy could sense that something is bothering her , something that she would never tell.

"A mirror" she asked in surprise,
Timothy smiled softly, His heart races with nervousness, hoping she'll understand the meaning behind it. In that moment, a mix of anticipation and vulnerability fills him, as he wants her to see herself the way he sees her - beautiful, inside and out.

They both were sitting in the field when he gifted her that mirror, she was surprised but happy. Timothy wanted to express his feelings for her, but he couldn't. For some reason he couldn't say how much he liked her.

"Yes, whenever you feel sad, just look at yourself in this mirror, as in you're seeing yourself through my eyes" he replied,

"My lord, this is my very first gift, that I've received from anyone, I will treasure it forever" she said smiling,

Time passes by, they become closer, they would Lough together, play together in the field, May had a lot of work in the palace but Timothy asked if he could stay with her all the time, so he stayed. All the other servents were very jealous because of that, everyone thought that she had done some witchy juju on their prince, that the prince is in love with her.

Although Timothy was the prince but he always visited May anytime he wanted to, so the other servents started bullying May out of jealousy. Not only the servents, the other princess who visited the palace for Timothy, to get a single glance of him. They all started bullying her.

So one day Timothy noticed a burn scar on May's left hand, and asked her about it. May tried to hide it but ended up telling the truth. Some other servents from the palace forcefully dropped a lot of boiled water in May's hand, just to bully her, and that's how she ended up having that scar. When Timothy heard about it he got so angry that he couldn't stop himself. He went out with a sword on his hand and cutt that servents head who bullied May.

People around the kingdom and nearby villages got to know about this cruelty that he had done. The king was worried coz Timothy was his older son, he was the one who's gonna become the king. Everyone around the village was talking bad about this behaviour of his, everyone didn't know why he did it. The king was furious, he ordered Timothy to leave the palace for a year as a punishment, he asked Timothy to hide his identity, and live a life like normal village people would do.

Timothy had no choice but to obey what his Father said. It was painful for him, not because he had to leave the palace but because he had to leave May for a while.

Ah, the pain of separation, a bittersweet ache that tugs at the heartstrings. It's like a melody of longing, a symphony of emotions. Every moment apart felt like an eternity,
He felt like a peace of his soul is missing, The memories he shared become precious treasures, cherished in the depths of his being. He desperately waited for the day when he'll be reunited with her, that he will definitely tell her how he feels,
He even wrote letters to her but never send them. He wished to give her that Letters to himself.

🪞 Present Time🪞

A loud noise made Timothy to came back in his senses, he noticed that his standing infront of the mirror in May's house, everything started to vanish from the mirror, he was shocked, and he didn't know why but he felt like crying for a bit, a tear drop fall from his eyes,

Timothy didn't know what happened, he was confused, it felt like a movie, he watched himself as someone else. He was standing still, he couldn't understand anything. All he knew was he watched himself and May for like an hour, in the mirror. And it was like he was in another world, in another timeline.

"No, no , no, what happened after that"? He screamed to himself, he wanted answers, but his screaming didn't change anything in the mirror,

"Memory is punishment"
_Frank Bidart 🦋💖🪞

He's the villain but still everyone has feelings, Thank you everyone for reading my story. What you think about this chapter, let me know in the comments 💖🦋🪞

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