🪞"𝓌𝒽𝑜'𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝑔𝓊𝓎?"🪞

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I was reading Manga on my phone. It was around 8 at night. Im about to go and get dinner but I don't feel like going out. I just feel lazy and heart broken also because my favorite character just died in the Manga. So I'm pretty upset about it. Then I heard someone knocked on my door. My parents are in the living room they must be watching TV right now.

So anyway I thought they needed something so I went up to open the door but I saw no one. So I went downstairs and I saw my parents are in the kitchen, they are making something. So I asked my mother " why are you cooking?" You're supposed to be in bed, My mother replied, - "don't worry honey I'm fine" I'm cooking because I don't want you to go out at this hour, so just come sit and eat with us. I didn't like that so I yelled at my father " yo old man, aren't you supposed to stop her? She's not well you know" my father said :- don't worry kiddo , she's stronger than you think.

There's nothing much I could do about it so I just sat there. While we were eating I asked my mother "did you knocked on my door earlier?"
When?? My mother asked, then suddenly there is this silence I can feel that made me realize that my parents died a year ago in an accident. So what I'm seeing is not real it must be a dream. I remembered clearly that my mother had a fever so my father took her to the hospital and when they were coming back they had a car accident and they both died that day.

But this dream feels so good. I can see them in my dreams smiling at me . But this sadness that I also feel knowing that I'm gonna wake up and they will vanish from my life. I don't want to wake up. But I can hear that my phone is ringing so I'm gonna wake up soon.
I woke up.

My phone was buzzing lily's calling me
"My head hurts " I thought to myself
Why is she calling me ? It's 10 pm dude
Then I remembered "oh shit" I forgot I had to go and get dinner but it's already late, so I don't think I'll have anything outside now.
So I just have to cook ramyon.

I went downstairs and the moment I stepped into the kitchen I realized that my house is so empty. Like it's a haunted house or something.
There this silence that i don't like.
I stayed at my friends house most of the time because of this
My whole life I never actually liked quite places. I don't like to be alone.
It's funny coz my whole life I've complained to my parents that all I want is a quite place. Now that I have it I don't like it .

Have anyone ever thought that in our childhood the one thing that we desperately want is that thing is actually gonna kill us in our adulthood.

Think about it, when no one is waiting for you at home, no one is calling you to come home early, when no one is asking you to have dinner with them, what do you call it?? Is it freedom? Is that freedom feels like? Or is it loneliness?

I just waved my thoughts off and just had my 🍜 ramyon. After having my food I just turned the lights off of the kitchen and went straight to my room upstairs.
I was looking into the mirror and was fixing my hair before going to bed.
The mirror always creeped me out,
Always. Because when I was little my grandpa was telling me a story about mirrors that, mirrors have a different world inside of it. And I was scared from that day coz I don't want anybody to come out of that mirror and talk to me. Because that would just kill me.

While thinking about that, I suddenly saw something strange in my mirror.
There was a guy standing right in front of me in my mirror. He's also fixing his hair and singing. "Wtf" I whispered
I was shocked, I rubbed my eyes thinking I was seeing stuff but that guy wasn't disappearing. He has black hair blue eyes, he's tall probably 6 fit tall
A fair skin

It made me so scared I couldn't move or speak.
After sometime it took a lot of courage out of me to ask him

"Hey , who are you?"
He didn't reply

So I asked again
Hello 👋, black hair ?? Who are you??
After that he stopped and start looking for something here and there

So I asked for the last time
Hey you? Can you hear me??

Then he answered
"Who is it?"
But he's not looking at me he's looking up somewhere. Maybe he can't see me

I was so freaked out by that I just slapped my self but I can still see him. So I slapped my self again harder this time and then I saw the guy disappearing into the mirror.

I thought I was hallucinating.
It was my sadness and trauma maybe
Is the reason that I start hallucinating
I'm so depressed that I can see stuffs now. My head is Making stuff .
It's so crazy so I just went to bed
Because I have work tomorrow.

Hey guys
I hope you like the first chapter
Thank you

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