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Author's POV:-

Noah was awkwardly silent in the car when they were coming back from the party, he's eyes are little red and itchy, he was continuously sneezing, May noticed that, and asked him about 4 times if he's feeling okay or not, but Noah didn't answer. So May had to let it go. When they came back home Noah went straight to his room,after some time May heard some noises coming out from Noah's room so she went to check if everything's fine but she saw Noah was lying on the bathroom floor,

"Oh my God, what happened to you"? May screamed,

"I think, it's my allergy" Noah replied with a soft voice.

May was totally confused and surprised coz she never knew that he had allergies,

"What allergy? Did you eat something at the party, or drink something? Oh my God, you look horrible, let's go to the hospital first,
May said,

May being the caring and loving person she is, becomes really worried about him. She sees him going through these allergic reactions and it breaks her heart. She wants to protect him from anything that could harm him, and also she's too allergic to some foods and she knows how painful it is.

May had no idea what to do, so she asked Noah if he Knows any doctors around here, but Noah was too exhausted, so May had to take him to the hospitals, doctors ran some tests and examined him properly finds out that Noah is allergic to fruits, and he must have had too much of it that's why his allergies had worsened.

"He's fine, coz I gave him some medicine's, it's good that you have came early, coz he had some pretty bad allergies"
The doctor said,

" Is he going to be fine? Can I see him now"? May asked,

" Yeah, you can see him, he's unconscious bcz of the medicine I gave him, he's not gonna wake up now, you can talk to him tomorrow morning" the doctor said,

May sits by his hospital bed, watching him lie there unconsciously. Her heart aches with worry, her eyes filled with tears. She feels a mix of emotions, like an unpredictable storm swirling within her, May's doubting it's the strawberries that he had to eat bcz of her,

Her heart sinks as she sees him so vulnerable, longing for him to wake up, Tears stream down her face, silently expressing her deep, concern, Her hands tremble as she gently holds his, seeking comfort in their touch, She feels a sense of helplessness, wishing she could take away his pain, Every breath she takes feels heavy, as if it's carrying the weight of the world.
Memories of their laughter and shared moments flood her mind,
Anxiety grips her, bcz it's reminded of her mother, when she was sick, she's scared bcz she doesn't wanna loos him, negetive thoughts and anxiety surrounded her,
She's blaming herself for Noah's condition,

" I'm sorry, youre going through so much bcz of me, I wish I could go back in time, I wish I had eat those fruits, so you didn't have to suffer like this right now" May whispered to him, she was crying holdin his hands, it was a new feeling that she's experiencing, till this day she never knew that she cared about him this much.

Time passed by, it's 7 in the morning, May couldn't sleep the whole night, she was awake hoping if Noah needs something, she can be there. But she feels a little sleepy and tired, she tried so hard but she fell asleep after an hour.

"May, wake up" Noah whispered to her ears, May opened her eyes but suddenly finds herself lying under a tree, Noah's lying beside her. The world around them seems to come alive, painting a picture of pure beauty, it's beautiful day of Autumn.

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