🪞"𝑀𝓎 𝒲𝑜𝓇𝓈𝓉 𝒩𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉𝓂𝒶𝓇𝑒"🪞

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May's POV:-

"What is this place" I whispered to myself. I opened my eyes and found myself lying on a bed. It was a dark room'. I can't see anything clear. Everything was a bit blurry to me.

"What am I doing here" I whispered to myself again, soon I realised that it was my bedroom. But I don't know how I came here, because the last thing I remembered is that I had dinner with Noah and I went to sleep on the couch.

So I tried to get up from there, but for some reason I can't move myself, I can't move my hands ,can't even move my head to the other side. Then the reality just hit me, I realised I'm actually asleep and I'm having a nightmare again.
And the reason I can't move my body is because I'm experiencing a sleep paralysis. I had these experiences in the past it's like a live horror movie. Unlike other peoples I don't get scared by this type of nightmares and I know how to get out of it. I just have to relax for a bit and then I can wake up. So I closed my eyes and tried to relax for while and then I opened my eyes again. But nothing changed its the same room and I still can't move my body.

"OH GOD WHY CAN'T I JUST WAKE UP" I screamed to myself. immediately after that my ears started to ring, its ringing so loud that it's hurting my head too. I know what's gonna happen next , its not like I'm having this nightmare for the first time. I had this same nightmare a lot of times when I was a kid.

A giant monster will come towards me to kill me. Im not gonna lie it scares me a bit because Im not a big fan of ghosts or monsters and stuffs..
I saw the monster coming but wait it's not the monster I usually see in my nightmares it's like a human figure, it's a guy, I can't see his face because he's a bit far from me but his coming towards me,

the moment he came close to me and I saw his face "Timothy" I whispered, I got scared, he has a evil smirk on his face. His looking directly at me and he has a pillow on his hand ,

"what is he gonna do with that"?? "Is he going to kill me by smothering me with that pillow"?? I started questioning myself.

He did the exact same thing that I thought he would do. It feels suffocating, i can't breathe, "someone save me, please someone", I cried for help. although I was aware that it was a dream but still it feels so real. And in that moment I don't know why I started thinking about Noah. I was hoping that he would come to save me.

"HEY WAKE UP, MAYY.... WAKE UP" . Noah shouted.

I just woke up and I saw Noah sitting beside me with a worried face'. I was so scared I didn't know what to do so I just hugged him tight.
I'm used to these nightmares but I've never seen Timothy in my Nightmares before. It was like he really killed me.

"What happened"? Noah asked
"Did you had a nightmare" Noah asked again.

I didn't know what to say, I'm just glad that he woke me up, that he's here with me.

"May just relax okey, it was just a nightmare, you're fine now." Noah said, while caressing my hair.

Soon after that I realised I was hugging him too tight, I got soo embarrassed that I just pushed him and he fell on the ground.

"What the.." he snapped

" I'm sorry'.... I was scared, I.. I didn't realised.."
I was saying that while looking on the other side but he interrupted me saying

"I didn't say anything, so just relax okay"
he continued
"You screamed so loud that I had to wake up, I thought something happened to you"

"What time is it"? I asked him.

"It's 3 in the morning " he replied

Of all the Nightmares I had in the past I've always seen black shadows or smokey figures but I've never seen any persons in my Nightmares. But today what I saw was like a real incident that happened to me except that I didn't remember. It felt so real I can still feel the suffocation, I'm still out of breath. It's like it really happened to me.

"Aren't you going to sleep"? I asked Noah

"Nope. Thanks to you , I don't think I can sleep now, so I'm gonna have some coffee" he replied

So I followed him to the kitchen. Noah was making coffee and I was sitting there watching him like a puppy.

"I'm really giving you a hard time hah.."? I asked.

"You realised that just now? I thought you knew it from the start" he replied.
I must admit that Noah has the incredible talent of always pissing me off.

" You don't have to be mean to me all the time" I said.

" So you want me to be nice to you"? He asked.
With a smirk on his face.

I didn't reply to him. He just passed me my cup ☕ we sat there in the kitchen silently having our coffees.

"How come you live alone but not with your family"? I asked breaking the silence.

"You're curious about me, aren't you"? He asked back , while smirking.

"Just asking" I replied

"Well, I don't get along with my parents so I moved out" he replied.

I sense a bit of sadness in his voice. Now I feel guilty for bringing that up, because it feels like a sensitive topic for him. Despite that he continued saying,
" My parents were always busy with their business, and foreign trips so they never had time for me. I spent most of my childhood without them. When I grew up they wanted me to handle the business but I had something else on my mind, soo.. "

At this point I became very curious about Noah. Because the way he always behaves I never thought that he has this different side of him too. Its like he also has some traumas from the past, that he never talk about.

"Do you find me attractive"? He asked.

He's question made me realised that I was staring at him for too long. But didn't know what to do so I stood up and started walking towards the hallway. He followed me saying
"If you like me just tell me alright, you don't have to be shy about it"

" Will you please shut up, and go to bed" I replied while walking.

He suddenly wrapped his arm around my waist and turned me towards him, I was pretty shocked by this little trick that he pulled and was looking at him with wide eyes.

" If you don't find me attractive, why can't you say it"? He asked with a husky voice.

I genuinely don't know why my brain just goes blank when he does something like this. For the first time in my life I just don't understand what I'm feeling.
I think I'm going a little crazy. Just like now I want to push him and tell him that he can't do stuffs like that but I can't , I can't push him away.

"Aahhrrrmmmm... I.. I think umrrrm.. you should go to bed." I replied looking down at him.

"Okay" he replied and removed his arm from my waist. I look up to him and I saw him smirking at me. Then he just went to his room.

"I did fall in love,
But not all at once"
Unknown 🪞🦋✨

This is the 10th chapter of my story
I hope you guys like it. Thankuuu ...

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