Chapter 14: The Meetings

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She has left the council hall. It's is time for your little reunion.

Neo texted Hector who didn't reply but stared at the mask that he hasn't worn in a while:

His original gas mask with that famous crudely white painted smile on the visor, or at least a part of it since on the left side seemed to form a frown.

Holding his breath he took off his Sidious mask and placed his Mad Bounty Hunter gas mask on once again.

For the rest it was his regular Mad Bounty Hunter outfit but instead of a coat it was a simple brown poncho with a hood as he didn't want to get spotted by some random stranger and end up having his existence leaked.

Hector was already slowly making her way towards the a place he felt absolutely ashamed of...Amber's grave.

To say Hector was against it was an understatement. He had done awful things in the past sure but using her resting place as a way to lure Glynda into admiting the Maiden's existence? That was low, even for him.

As he walked towards the resting place he began to wonder if he would have to make decisions where he didn't agree with, but as a wise man once said.

The hardest choices require the strongest wills.

Coming up on a hill where it overlooked both the city of Vale and the ruins of Beacon Academy was Amber's gravestone. He stared at the gravestone, lost in thought and memories.

The two having a sparring match, Hector opening up about his past despite only meeting her a few times.
And to be the one to take her life while Pyrrha was trying to save her.

He continued looking at the gravestone wondering how he would even begin to apologize to Pyrrha.
Amber could've been Pyrrha's friend for all he knew.
And that's without also the fact he burdened Pyrrha with the powers of the Fall Maiden's power.


Snapping Hector out of his thoughts he took out his scroll to find a another message from Neo.

She's getting close. Good luck ;)

Taking a deep breath in Hector began to use his ability to exert emotion out around him. Using what he was already feeling he began to fill the air with both regret and sadness.

Just several feet away Glynda was making up her way up the hill while carrying a bouquet of crocus flowers.
However halfway up the hill she felt a wave of sadness and regret hit her. If she could describe it, she would say d it was as being it by a morning breeze.
Though light to the touch it could still be greatly felt and not in a good way.

Putting the flowers in her offhand she then grabbed her crop that was on her side.
As she got closer and closer she tightened the grip around her crop wondering who or what could be exerting at such a large quantities.

Once she got to the top of the hill she saw someone wearing a poncho while being in front of Amber's grave.

"Who are you?" Glynda asked sternly while pointing her crop at the stranger. The place was somewhat isolated and only a handful of people knew about where her grave was, on account of Amber not making many friends.

But as the stranger turned around Glynda's eyes widened and jaw lightly opened to see someone she hasn't in months...The Mad Bounty Hunter of Remnant.

However as he looked at her she saw that a part of the crudely white painted smile on the visor was forming a frown. Making it even a bit more unsettling.

"Bounty Hunter?" Glynda said while slowly lowering her crop.

"Glynda." He replied with a nod and replying.
"It's been a while."

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