Gone: (Ao3 Request) Seeley Booth × Daghter Reader (Platonic) part 1

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Warnings for chapters labeled Seeley booth × daughter reader:


Self-defense killing

You were Seeley Booth's kid as well as the famous Temperance Brennan. The mix alone caused you to have a tough personality, and cause you to have a strange fascination with different things. Guns, bugs, bones, psychology, hockey, you liked a lot of different things. You had a massive bug collection and pictures of animal skeletons, a plastic human skeleton that served as a coat rack, hockey pictures, a punching bag, and a library of different books ranging from plants to poison, to bones to anime you found intriguing.

You also had several religious books. Even though you weren't religious for the most part, you found them interesting and wanted to do research. You also had language books, and you know, you know three different languages. English, sign language, and Japanese.

At school, you had problems, mostly trying to find anyone who shared at least two interests you had and wasn't into getting laid every weekend. You weren't interested in guys at your schools and ended up being a loner for the most part. As for bullies, you beat the absolute crap out of them, and because of that, no one dared to pick fights when you were around. You got sent to the principal multiple times for fighting and flat out explained to the principal that his lack of attention to the cameras or the lack of shits given that fights were breaking it so you dealt with them since no one else was caring.

You even corrected the math teacher because they were going by the book. The answer was wrong, and it was wrong, so you corrected the teacher. The teacher got upset saying the book was right, so you did the problem, showed your work, and it was flawless.

You were heading to the Jeffersonian to meet up with your mom and dad before taking a cab home. It was something you always did unless your parents would send you a test or call the school, which was an extremely rare occurrence. Your older half-brother Parker picked you up sometimes, too, but not today. Today, you headed over to the Jeffersonian and were immediately greeted by the guards, the new interns who were twins; Wendell; and Hodgins. And Angela. Everyone was like your family here, and it showed.

"Where is Uncle Sweets at?" You asked as Wendell was looking over some remains. 

"I don't know, having guy trouble again?" He asked as you got into a rolly chair.

"No, okay, maybe a little the guy that I wanted to take on a date screamed as soon as he saw my turtle skeleton photo. Like, I mean a toddler when seeing a bug," you said as you got your your phone and showed him footage of the camera.

That particular photo was in your living room. You weren't allowed to have boys in your room, which you understood and followed every rule due to their status in their fields and because they had really bad things happen to them because of their job. Bad people in particular coming after them.

He turned up the volume, and as soon as he saw the picture, he screamed and knocked over your couch and ran out the front door while you stood there looking confused.

"At least he didn't see my python skull replica in the bathroom," you said sadly as he laughed.

"Okay, now that was a good one. Look, not every guy will like your skulls, but when you find that person," he paused.

"There are plenty of guys out there, I get it. What happened to this guy?" You asked as he paused.

"Oh, um, so far we found out he was killed by a hunting rifle. He was your age," he said as you looked at him.

"Oh, I figured that but a hunting rifle. May I look?" You asked as he looked at you skeptically.

"I think your mom would kill me if I let you look at a kid's body," he said as you sighed.

"Fine, but his foot is shiny," you said as you saw a bit of reflective material on his toes.

"Huh, I missed that? Thanks. You are just like your mother," he said as you smiled.

"Hell yeah, I am, but I'm also like Booth," you said as you pulled out your phone and got into your playlist.

"Why is there only classical music playing?" You said as you played Ke$ha, take it off at the highest volume you could, and started dancing to it.

"Oh my gosh, no! Not here! This is a workplace!" Wendell panicked as he tried to stop you, but you grabbed a notepad and pencil.

You started to take notes while jamming out. Hodgins smiled as he saw you annoying Wendell, and Angela came out of her office to see you going around the platform where the body was.

"I should have known it was you, be careful Saroyan is here," she said as she went back to the office.

You gave her a thumbs up and started singing the song while Wendell finally gave up trying to stop you.

"Here you go, my notes," you said as you gave them to him.

"He was running?" Wendell asked.

"Well, yeah, you can tell because he the way the toes cracked while they hit the ground, so he was running and hit something hard. Plus, I can see Angela is running a scenario like that, so he had to be running. You're welcome. I'm going to catch a cab home," you said.

"Your parents should be here in an hour or so," he said.

"I know, but I got tons of homework, and when they say back in an hour, it's a couple," you explained.

"I can take you home. I get off in two hours,' he said.

"Nah, I'm good. I would just bother you, plus my mom asked me to pick up the living room. Parker is coming by for a visit, and my science experiment blew up! Can you believe it?" You asked.

"I can, well, be careful! Also, guys are stupid. I should know because I am one," he said as you smiled.

"Thanks, Uncle Wendell. See you tomorrow," you said as you grabbed your backpack and went outside.

You called a cab and told the guy your address. You got in, and you sat down, and then buckled up.

You got on your phone, but then gas started to fill up the back seat.

"Shit! Hey!" You yelled as you started hitting the window, but he wasn't paying any attention.

You tried to open the window, but it was locked, and so was the door. You quickly hit the energy button on your phone after holding your breath. You couldn't hold it for long, and what you already breathed in was affecting you horribly. You didn't hit your emergency button on your phone like you thought you did, so you started spamming Wendell random letters and trying to figure out where you were going, but you were dizzy and all the letters and places were blurry. You barely managed to spell out help in the spam before passing out.

After several minutes, the smoke cleared, and he took your phone and took a picture of you asleep. He sent it to the number you were texting then threw the phone in the alleyway. He then tied you up and lifted the seat. He put you in after he put a gag in your mouth and put the seat down. He locked it down and then started taking all the taxi stuff off of it. He also started to paint the car a different color. It was just spray paint, so it was going to dry quickly, then changed out the tags.

He took off down the road and started driving out of the state.

"Hey, um, Y/n was here two hours ago she went home in a cab," Wendell said, taking his gloves off.

"She did? She never texted me she was home," Booth said.

"I told her I was going to be here for a couple of hours so she could have texted me," he said as he got out his phone.

"Oh no," he said as he saw the picture of you dead asleep along with the caption happy hunting with a smily face on it.

"What did she forget something?" Brennan asked.

"I should have taken her home," he said as he gave Booth his phone.

"Oh my god Y/n! The son of the bitch has her!" He yelled making the room freeze.

You were gone just like that now they were going to have to find you.

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