Chapter Nineteen: Choices

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----- July 1st, 2011 -----

Our Coven currently sat in the green room of the Game of Rite Tournament, we'd made it through to the Final this time, although we were up against the Firestorm Coven, so I doubted that we'd win, but the fact we'd made it this far was an achievement in of itself. Irina had also joined our Coven, under Michael's orders as a sign of good faith. However, the rules currently prevent her and Grand-Duchess Morningstar from taking part in the games as part of our Coven, given that at the moment they held very low rank, but Raphael was working on changing that. They, as members of the Order of Balance, high ranking members I believe, were running security for the event. Jasmine sat in Elizbeth's arms right now, just enjoying a little of personal time before our next match. The rest, including myself, were getting a few last minute preparations in.  I walked over to Sammy handing her a drink and she nodded gratefully. As for Livian she had taken one of our Warrior roles. Although she was very powerful with her Love-Magic, in a combat situation like this it wasn't of much help thus her taking the role.

"I have to say the heightened security is a bit odd," Calum spoke what we were all thinking. "Like exceedingly strange."

"I agree but I'm sure there is a reason behind it." Sammy spoke as she perform checks on her weapons.

It was at that point that Arch-Commander Michael entered, with Raphael on his left, Lucifer on his right. They all looked concerned to say the least. They walked in the room and Lucifer proceeded to cast a Barrier Spell on our room, isolating us from the rest of the room.

"Father, Lord Lucifer, Arch-Commander Michael this is an unexpected visit." Sammy spoke as we all stood to attention.

"We have come to discuss a grave matter child." Michael spoke, to say he looked worried was an understatement.

"Speak plainly please my lord we have a match to prepare for." Sammy replied.

"It is that match we are concerned about," Lucifer added, causing Sammy to raise an inquisitive eye brow.

"Put simply Commander Talidus has been investigating Eve's death as you know, and his investigations led him to Mortis, who revealed that this match is going to be the target of a massive attack." Raphael said, a solanum tone to his voice.

"And you didn't cancel the match?" Judith asked confused.

"The Grand Alliance Council agreed that to do so would show that our alliance isn't strong in the slightest, however we also agree that you should be given the choice of withdrawing. If you believe the threat is too big. We offered the same to Shariq, and he turned us down not wanting to show weakness." 

Sammy looked at us and we all nodded. "I have to agree with him father,"

"Very well, be carful we don't know exactly when the attack will come only that it will." With that the three left the room.

"Well shit." I said and Sammy just shrugged.


With the warning said we moved into the arena after it was determined, we ended up with a jungle one, as the very last match was randomly determined for fairness. Various different ruins were scattered around the city sized arena. It was a tropical jungle, so the humidity was clinging to our skin, which I hate it but there was little I we could do about it.

"Are you sure this is a wise idea?" I asked Sammy the moment we were alone. "If there is an attack coming?"

"Then we will deal with it, we have no other choice in the matter." She replied as we walked around our base. "They are right, this Tournament is too important for us to withdraw, besides at least with us as the bate it should keep the civilians safe."

"True enough." I spoke sighing loudly. "You know, when I'd Awakened if you told me that I'd be a lynch pin in achieving peace  I'd have called you insane."

"You and me both," She sighed rubbing her fore head, no doubt a stress head ache building. "<y coven is growing though thanks to this, I'll take what I can get." 

We walked back inside our base to find the others preparing their weapons, Livian was currently maintaining her weapon, it was the traditional weapon of her people a Tainted-Spear. The shaft was made of Source Tree wood, she was wrapping the shaft with a leather grip, once that was fully wrapped she begun to clean the head, wiping off the poison which would normally be  there as she didn't want to kill anyone.

"Commander," She greeted nodding as we walked into the room. "I thank you for this opportunity Samantha. I know I haven't been much help but still."

"I welcome all to my Coven, no matter how useful they think they are." Sammy replied with a warm smile.

"This feels off," Judith said coming in from a scouting run. "As of yet the Firestorm Coven haven't made a move, and given that he tends to rush the opponent it feels off."

"He's probably hesitant given the impending attack." Celestia added. "Although I hate not having access to Plan, at least then I'd be able to predict when the attack was coming."

"If my brother say's it's coming then we know it is. He is rarely wrong." Yuguchi said walking into the room, Industria out and ready.

Suddenly we felt it, the enter base begun to shake as if their was an Earthquake, we ran outside thinking we were under attack, but what we saw meant that this had nothing to do with the match. 

The Barrier-Spell containing the arena had been torn open, a slit was in the sky almost a mile long, Entropic-Energy bled through the tear, it gave the gap in the Barrier the appearance of an open wound that had been infected, the edges of the tear glowing a deep violet color, with the sound of the raging winds of the void now filling the arena. Pouring through the wound were hundreds of Demons each of them flying on their wings and firing arrows at us. What shocked me was the fact that every single one of them bore the Tainted-Mark of Dante Hades emblazoned on their chest.

"Told you it was coming," Yuguchi yelled out aiming Industria at them and letting loose a barrage of Sanctified-Energy.

As if on que a portal opened up, a massive one almost a mile long, and emerging out of it came a legion of all the races in the alliance. Each of them armed to the teeth, at their head stood the head of each of the major fractions in the Host and Fallen  with Charon leading our side of things and the Akio girl of the Custodians leading hers. What surprised me most however was the fact that Petru was amongst their ranks.

"Senior Commander," Charon called out. "Your father is currently leading an evacuation of the stands with the help of the Order Of balance and the rest of the Sovrans, High-Priest Stolas is working on changing the arena to an open battle field to make our time easier. We are order to go scorched Earth, he wants you to find their leader and end them."

She nodded, that meant simply that we were to take no prisoners. It made little sense to me to kill them all, but I guess that was war for you, and this was war there was no doubt about that. It may not be the Great-War anymore, but we were still at war with Dante and his minions. I had no idea how he had amassed a force this large but I didn't care, we were ordered to kill and we would do so.

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