{ ~ Interlude: ~ }

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----- May 1st, 2011 -----

Lady death arrived at the complex they had been calling 'The chamber'. To an outsider she would appear to be dressed in a thick black cloak, her face covered in a mask of pure black shadow, so perfect was the Cloaking spell she wore that were it not for the fact she bore a small skull on her chest, marking her as 'Lady Death' no would be able to see her identify.  Upon her hip she bore a broad sword, which she held constantly as if it was some sort of comfort to her, given she didn't trust the vampires, it was hardly surprising. She was using them, and the rest of the Riders for that matter, nothing more. Not that she'd ever let them know that, although she knew that they probably thought the same of her, that they were using her. So it was the nature of their alliance, none of it's members trusted each other, only knowing they had to work together for their mutual benefit to achieve all their goals.  She tucked her wings into the cloak she wore and walked into the chamber. 

Located in Aberdeen  from the outside it was a simplistic thing, in fact it looked like little more than a ware house. Patrolling the grounds were various vampires from a Clan she had under her thumb. This was the first time she had been here in person since construction began, but it was necessary with how close everything was, although the Grand-Alliance was putting a wrench in the works. She walked through into the warehouse and looked upon the chamber, it was a vast cavernous space, dimly lit with candles. The inside walls of the warehouse was covered in Nexus crystal which hummed and vibrated, with that humming however their came a sound akin to screaming, as if the crystals were in pain. Slowly they were changing color, turning from green to purple. Instead of being charged with Nexus Energy, like they normally would, the things were being forced to charge with Entropic-Energy. Each one threating to crack under the strain, it wasn't exactly what she had intended to do but it was the best she had given that all her other ways of charging this chamber had fallen through. It had taken twice as long as she would have like to gather enough Crystal, given the Suredale attack had failed, and it would take months before the transformation of the Crystals was finished but she would make do. Leading from each of the hundreds of Crystals were small black chains which almost glowed with magical energy, those chains all connected in a spider web like appearance and eventually lead to a single chain dangling from the ceiling, almost held prisoner in that chain was the stolen God's flight, the runes of it's teleportation spell constantly glowing.

Mounted directly under that was a table of sorts, forged of a purple glass like substance which had an almost musical hum to it. Mounted on this table were restraints forged of the same obsidian like metal which made up the chains, it was clear for even the least intelligent of people it was some sort of sacrificial alter, and when the time came that sacrifice would be the catalyst Lady Death so desperately needed.

"My Lady Death," Lord Conquest spoke walking up to her and bowing with respect. "I wasn't expecting you."

"I came to inspect your progress." She spoke coldly looking around 'The Chamber', nodding in approval. "I see you were able to adapt the Alchemists work?" 

"Indeed, his science if it could be called that, was crude but effective. I must say using his work to copy the teleportation spell inside the Crystals and thus charge them directly from the Void was a stroke of genius." 

Although you couldn't see it, God's Flight, was currently opening small  tears in reality directly inside each and every crystal, so instead of being charged with energy through Spirit-Magic users, each was charging directly from the void.

"This plan has been centuries in the making, I just had to find the right person to achieve it." She replied walking over to the sacrificial alter and inspecting it. "Will the table work?"

"If you mean will it drain the magical energy  out of the person strapped to it then yes it will, but wither or not it will act as the 'Catalyst' for this chamber of yours I couldn't tell you. I don't even understand the principle behind this chamber. Nor do I understand how it will help my Clan retake our rightful place as rulers of the Underworld."

"In time you will." Lady Death answered, as vague as ever. "Now Lord Conquest please lead me to your communication chamber I think it is time we got updates from the others."

He nodded and the pair walked out of 'The Chamber' and to a small a cottage which had once belonged to the farmer which had owned this land. Once inside they activated the Communicatio lapidea.

"Lady Death, Lord Conquest." The new Lord War spoke. "How may we assist you."

"I wish to have an update on how things are going on your end." Lady Death asked looking at Lady Famines statue.

"Not good truth be told, the Grand Alliance is making it very hard to keep our activates secret, with the Order of Balance now act an investigative force, they are starting to piece it all together making my job harder to say the least."

"On that front I have a suggestion," The new Lord War cut in. "This Tournament of Rite starting is the perfect medium for the war to reignite if done right."

"How so?" Asked Lord Conquest as skeptical as ever.

"It is the very symbol of this corporation, if we can us it to demonstrate how fragile that alliance actually is war is inevitable."

"Well then I suggest you attack the final match, make it clear that their alliance is foolish." Lady Death growled with an almost sadistic tone.

"In principle I agree with you, however I lack the numbers to make an effective attack." He replied.

"Eve's little cult can provide you with a solution." Conquest spoke. "She created hundreds of Zombies, if they were to be turned into Demons it would provide you with an army of people seemingly drawn from the Underworld, especially if they fight under the banner of Dante. They are currently being held at one of my Clan bases."

"I'll have one of my people come and get them." War said with a nod.

"That leaves me with one last question, the Boy is no longer viable as a Catalyst however, Famine, how comes Dante's soul convergence."

"It get's worse by the day, soon their will be nothing left of him, and only the Negative aspect of the dead Hades will be left."

"Good, have him brought to the Chamber sight immediately. I've already lost one catalyst I will not risk losing another."

And Peace Be With You-The Daemonic Rebirth #3Where stories live. Discover now