~{ Interlude: }~

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Profundus arrived in his study, the announcement having gone through his was furious.  He stumbled into the study, being held aloft by his Sworn-Blood. Who deposited him in the chair by the open fire. 

"Will their be anything else my king?" He asked.

"Get me a fucking drink." He growled angrily.

The Sworn-Blood shook his head before moving out, he no doubt getting one of the servants to get the drink, although he didn't really agree with getting Profundus another drink he couldn't really say no. Soon the human servant came in, the man was once a prisoner of Hell, but as was his contract that he had made, once he had earned redemption he had come to server his new Demon master. Barely fed, just enough to keep him from dying in fact, a little over six foot with blue eyes, although one of them was currently  swollen shut, his red hair unkept and ragged. He carried himself with the hunched over silhouette of a broken man.

"Your drink, Demon." He said looking at Profundus.

"Excuses me?"Profundus hissed angrily, smashing him hard across the face with the back of his hand, causing him to drop the alcohol into the fire place with explosive results. "That is not how you address me!" 

"I'm a king, you wretch!" The slave growled from the ground.

"No, you were a king, but you signed a Contract." Profundus coldly said back, and as he spoke the Faustian Contract appeared in his grasp, as he did the Levithan Tainted-Mark burned brightly upon the Slave's hand. " 'I King Henry Tudor the Eighth, in return for Prince Profundus Levithan using his influence to declare me supreme head of the Church of England, hereby grant Prince Profundus Levithan, my soul upon my death to do with as he wishes.' Now either address me properly or I will kill you a second time. And this time there will be no after life for you."

"My... My apologizes Prince Levithan. I shall get you another drink my lord." Henry spoke, walking out the room, pinching his now bleeding nose.

Profundus waited and when he heard the door open he yelled out. "About fucking time!" 

He went to strike the Slave, only for the Slave who appeared to be an old man block the blow with great ease, using Geomancy of all things, but he had some how summoned the stone out of thin air. That instantly told Profundus of how powerful he was.

"I am not your slave Prince Levithan, however I do bring you a drink." 

Profundus tried to look at the man but he's eyes wouldn't let him, every time he tried they would glaze over and he'd be forced to look away. The mysterious figure placed the bottle down on the small table by where Profundus.

"Who are you and how the fuck did you get pasted my guards?"

"Who I am is not important. I am here on the request of one calling himself The True Hades."

"Pretensions name or does he have the power to back up such a title?" 

"He has the power, a power that you need." He replied taking a seat. "Now, she has an offer for you. We have a mutual enemy, in that of Raphael Vandale."

"Him and his blood traitor daughter what of them?" Profundus asked now intrigued. 

"My benefactor requests that you kill them both, how you do this is up to you." the man spoke, pouring himself a glass from the bottle.

"I whole heartedly would like to help you, one fucking problem. I am the only one in my whole family who want's them dead, and a single Coven cannot wage a war."

"To that the True Hades would like to offer you this." The man reached into his pocket and pulled something out.

It was a pendant of sorts, the metal of the chain was no ordinary metal. It was glass like in texture, but the obsidian colored martial didn't reflect light, instead it seemed to absorbed it, and take that light deep into itself before snuffing it out completely. Linked to the chain was a perfect sphere of Nexus crystal, carved into its surface was the symbol for Yin and Yang,  although Profundus didn't have the ability to sense what kind of magic was being used, he could tell just from glancing at it, this thing was of a Divine level. 

"What is that thing?" Profundus asked going to take it.

"A little invention from my benefactor based on an ancient and rare magical artifact. It will allow you to summon creatures to your side which would make the Dragon king himself shake with fear."

"And what do I have to do in return for such a power, because with an Artifact like this you could just kill the blood traitors yourself."

"That is very simple pledge allegiance to the True Hades, and then remove our mutual enemy."

"Then you have a deal,"

And Peace Be With You-The Daemonic Rebirth #3حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن