Chapter 27

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"It's my Semblance that did it."

The conversation was probably long overdue, even if he wasn't giving them full context yet. Doctor Oobleck had suggested he continue to keep his dream-walking aspect hidden until he could at least control it, because people would only worry around him if they knew he might end up in their heads.

"That would explain why your aura was all screwy a week or so back," said Ruby. "So, you unlocked your Semblance? What does it do?"

"We're not sure yet. That's why it's backfiring. Or maybe it isn't even backfiring and it's trying to do something." He had everyone's attention, his teammates most of all. "But I'm working with Doctor Oobleck every day to try and understand it, and the headmaster and Miss Goodwitch know as well, so it's not like I don't have a lot of help on this."

"Isn't there anything we can do?" asked Pyrrha.

Her concern was obvious, as was the reason. She loved him. Pyrrha was in love with him. It was hard to meet her eyes and not show some sign of knowing that, be it blushing, breaking eye contact or just stumbling over his words.

This was why his Semblance was a pain in the ass.

"Doctor Oobleck says it's a bad idea to practice with an unknown Semblance on people you like," he deflected. "On account of them maybe ending up dead."

Weiss snorted. "An exaggeration, I'm sure, but not an unreasonable point. Lacking control, you could end up hurting someone."

"Or more likely he gets hurt," said Nora.

"Or that. It's good you are seeking expert help from the teachers, however. I can only imagine how hopeless you would be if you were fumbling around on your own with this."

Weiss meant it well, even as she insulted him, and Jaune pretty much agreed with her anyway. He'd have been pretty screwed trying to get a handle on all this without help from Doctor Oobleck. Not to mention he'd been in the dreams of some important people. Without support from the teachers, General Ironwood may have gotten away with arresting him.

"I haven't heard of many Semblances that come with self-harm," said Blake.

Before Jaune could panic, Yang cleared her throat. "Mine does."


"I don't harm myself, but my Semblance relies on being harmed. In a way, so does Nora's."

"Yang has a point," said Ren. "Nora may not feel any pain from being electrocuted, but it is self-harm when she does it. Or it would be for anyone else. My own could be considered the same from a mental perspective, though fortunately the effects are only temporary."

Blame hummed, defeated. "I guess it's more common than I thought."

Phew. Yang and Ren to the rescue. Of course, their Semblances didn't cut their own throats open, but that had been his own lack of attention. He'd thought himself invincible in the dream and ignored all damage coming his way. Given he could control everything down to being able to fly, that shouldn't be a problem in future ones.

"The big question is whether he'll have control of it in time for the festival," said Pyrrha. "If not, then I don't know how wise it will be for you to compete, Jaune."

"Hey. Hey. Let's not jump to conclusions. Besides, I was only ever going to compete in the first round. One fight won't kill me." He could see no one was convinced. "How about this? I'll only compete if I have a signed letter from Doctor Oobleck telling me I can."

"And Miss Goodwitch," said Pyrrha.

"Fine. Fine. Both of them. Happy?"

"I'll be happier once your Semblance is discovered and under control... but I suppose this will do."

𝐈𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 (English)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat