Chapter 2

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Jaune hated that the first thought to come to his mind once he figured out his Semblance was that he could use it to get into Weiss' head and try to sway her to wanting to go out with him. It was a ruthlessly selfish and manipulative thought process that brought about no small amount of shame – and then, to make things worse, a hormonal part of him realised he could use it to indulge in dreams of a more carnal nature if he wanted, and not just with Weiss. Yang, Blake, Pyrrha – there was no shortage of gorgeous women in Beacon. Hell, even Miss Goodwitch was sexy in a domineering, older woman kind of way. He wasn't the only guy in Beacon thinking that.

It was the disgust he felt at himself for such a horrible idea that dampened his spirits and his ardour. It would be no better than forcing himself on them, and if it did work then he'd be forever wondering if Weiss liked him for who he was, or if he'd tricked her into it. As for the others, how could he look any of them in the eye if he did that? How could he look himself in the mirror if he became that kind of person? He'd love to say that made the temptation go away; it didn't; it just pushed it aside, burying it under a heap of angry thoughts where he hopefully wouldn't have to think about it.

Miss Goodwitch sitting behind her desk brushing her blonde hair away from her face didn't help matters. He was busy sorting homework into alphabetical files, then sorting them by year-group and what needed doing when. It was boring work, but that was the whole point of detention. Blake wouldn't have to worry about any surprises.

"Miss Goodwitch. May I ask something?"

"Hmm?" hummed the woman, without looking up. She didn't sound annoyed, so he took that as his cue to continue.

"Is it possible to unlock your Semblance without realising it?"

"It is possible, though rare. Do you believe you have unlocked yours?" It wasn't much of a guess on her part given the question he'd asked, but Jaune still tensed up.

"I'm not sure if I have or not. It's just... My aura has been draining at weird times."

"Aura naturally replenishes given rest and a healthy lifestyle, so your aura draining outside continual use in combat is unusual." Miss Goodwitch turned a page as she lectured, and she talked in that same classroom voice she had used before. "You may well have unlocked your Semblance. Do you wish to tell me what it is?"

"Do I have the choice?"

"Beacon only demands information on Semblances if they are dangerous to the physical wellbeing of yourself or those around you. This entails combat-themed Semblances that we may need to know how to treat victims of after spars."

"I don't think it's combat related," said Jaune. Not unless he and his opponent wanted to take a nap first. "I'm not even sure if I'm right."

And if he was then he didn't want to tell Miss Goodwitch of all people that he'd imagined using it to re-enact a teacher-student fantasy in her dreams. He'd heard rumours of older students who mustered up the guts to flirt with her. It never ended well.

"If you need assistance then I would suggest approaching Doctor Oobleck."

"Oobleck? The history teacher?"

"He is a doctor before he is an architect, and his studies revolve around much more than ancient civilisations. He has several published works on aura theory, and Semblance theory, including studies on why people unlock the Semblances they do, how they can pass down through bloodlines and theoretical works on the dangers and risks associated with hypothetical super-Semblances."


"It is a theoretical term for a hypothetical individual with a Semblance of great power, or one whose ability has far-reaching implications. The ability to see the future is a favourite example of his. The work covers the ramifications of such a power, and how various groups would seek to use and abuse it. Governments, for instance, but also businesses, the stock exchange and criminal groups. A Semblance allowing you to predict stocks could, if used too much, cause the collapse of localised economies, and much financial instability, allowing one individual to shape the course of entire countries without realising. It is a fascinating, if dystopian, read, but I'm not sure it is what you are after. Either way, he is an expert on Semblances, and I am sure he would be willing to discuss if you approached him." Pausing, she added. "After school hours."

𝐈𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 (English)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin