Chapter 14

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Doctor Oobleck was not best pleased to know someone else had discovered his Semblance, but he also wasn't unreasonably upset about it. "It's a shame," he said, "but it was bound to happen eventually and perhaps it is best it be a stranger. That's less problematic for you than risking an established relationship. Still, you say she threated to kill you...?" His tone darkened. "That is a worrisome reaction."

"I don't know that she meant it seriously."

As threats went "kill" was one thrown around a lot. He'd lost count of the number of times one of his sisters had threatened to kill him, and all it ever meant was that they were angry at him. There had been school bullies who threatened the same and just meant stick his head down a toilet. That girl, Cinder, had been furious and even held a sword as if she were ready to plunge it down, but then Pyrrha had also held a blade out to him with no real intention of murder, as had Weiss, Ruby and even Ren during spars.

It had certainly felt different here; he'd been genuinely afraid for a moment, and rooted to the spot, but Cinder had been afraid and coming off a nightmare and had no idea why he'd been in her head or what he'd been doing. He figured they were both spooked, so her reaction – albeit extreme – was more due to panic than anything. And maybe he'd overread it, too. He'd been afraid of being exposed and that might have made him see genuine murder in her eyes.

"Are you sure?" asked Oobleck, stressing the words. "Anger, I could expect. Fear, I would understand. Murderous rage raises a few flags in me. Who did you say this was again?"

"I didn't."

He sighed. "Jaune..."

"Sir, with all due respect, you told me yourself to keep what I saw private, and I think you're right to say it." Plus, Cinder hadn't told anyone about what he'd done, so he didn't want to betray her like that. "If she really wanted to hurt me then she could have. I think she was just afraid and didn't know what I'd done. Wouldn't you be a little paranoid if I appeared in your head and started looking around your worst memories?"

"I suppose so." Oobleck sighed and sat back. "Very well, Jaune. I'll trust your instincts on this one. It does raise an interesting point, though. We've been so focused on helping you understand and control your semblance that we haven't given much thought to what we shall do if someone discovers you in their dreams. Most, I'm sure, will write it off as they currently have, but there will always be those either more perceptive or just more paranoid." He hummed. "I can think of a few dangerous examples off the top of my head."

Jaune swallowed. "Yeah-?"

"Oh, don't worry. I mostly mean Glynda, Ozpin, and Ironwood." Those names did not calm him down much. "I'll be sure to intervene and explain to them if they do raise concerns or mention any suspicions."

"Maybe we should tell them in advance...?"

Oobleck stilled and looked at him with no small amount of surprise. "You'd be prepared to allow that?"

"I mean, it's not ideal but I'd rather have that than Miss Goodwitch breaking my door down in the middle of the night. And someone already knows. This will go off like a bomb if she or someone else figures it out and reports it to a teacher other than you. They'll think I've been preying on women and come down on me like a Goliath."

"Glynda is more controlled than that," chuckled Oobleck. He then paused. "General Ironwood on the other hand... well, he might just jump straight to believing this espionage against Atlas and send a small army to arrest you for interrogation."

"I would like to avoid that if at all possible."

"Yes, I suspect you would." Oobleck cupped his jaw and stroked it slowly. "With your permission, I'll inform a select few teachers – and Ironwood. I think it's best I handle this to prevent any wild accusations in the heat of the moment. I'll impress upon them the need for secrecy as well."

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