cold war

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Tire swing sway

Under my oak playpen

A castle of a tree

Only there do I feel free

But that memory palace is only that

A journey I have gone on

Yet can never go back

For you raised me there

All in good time

We left the Florida heat behind

Winter is white

Like a peaceful dove

The snow is beautiful

I think I like it here

Where the water

is more clear

I can't wait to start school again

And make new friends this year

But there lies the issue

I am already eleven years old

These children have all made their friends

I'm just the lonely fool

That's where it all began

I think during winter time

Secluded to my books

I wished of simplistic times

Swaying on my tire swing

The picture is all fuzzy now

Distant like the ocean shoreline

I have no friends to call mine

If only I could hold that girl

Who cried to find a good night's sleep

I would braid her hair I think

And kiss her forehead with my lips

I won't tell her things get better

I would be a liar

I would simply comfort her

When her only savior is yelling at her now

They used to get along you see

During the first world war

When more people were involved

It was easier not to feel so alone

But now she is trapped

Mentally fighting a battle so harsh

It marks her skin

It stains her sleeves

It doesn't end

When she gets off the bus

No one seems to grasp the fact

That just because a home seems loving

Doesn't mean every comfort of the beginning

Will remain intact

Now that girl is twenty four

She's still dreaming of things before

When this cold war wasn't televised

When she was swinging from that tree

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