20*-Tomato and Eggs-*

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The first thing I see when I open my desktop is a message from Cameron ordering me to his office.

" You seem to be walking fine" He notes as I step in

" Yeah th-thanks for the um...time off work"

" Yeah sure. Sit" I settle on the couch and fix my eyes on his bar, trying to read the names on the bottles because I don't want to look into his eyes, they're scarily unnerving.

" I assume you're done with the home interface?" He asks.

" Yes and the intermediary one too" I add. An impressed look flashes through his face. " I'll forward it to you when I get back to my office"

He nods, leaves his seat and comes to stand in front of me. " Wuh-what are you doing?" I ask and move backwards in a bid to probably merge into the couch.

He squats before me and takes my left leg in his hands, pulling my flats off slowly he inspects my leg. The feel of his hands on my skin again triggered the events that occured during the weekend, which I had obsessed over throughout the entire time I was at home.

" You should have worn those heels of yours again" He says looking up at me.

" Did you just make a joke?" I ask. His lips pull up.

" What do you think I am? A bronze statue?"

" Granite to be exact" I say. He rolls his eyes slightly and gets up.

" Lunch. right here don't be late. You can go"

" Now that's a development. Normally you'll just i-ignore me till I feel awkward and leave" I say and his lips pull up again.

" Pardon my short comings Miss. Kingston"

Ooh la la now that sent shivers up my spine. I nod quickly and bolt to the door before he catches on to the blush quickly spreading up my face. I make my way to the abandoned toilet on the eleventh floor. It's my safe haven in this company and only Dana knows about it.

These days I've been threatened to take Elena's advice and do something about my sexual frustration as she had called it. Why does he want me to have lunch with him?

" Like how is your sex hunger manifesting at 23? So your boss elicits this reactions from you huh? You're walking around here like a horny moody teenager. I have a new dildo I can give you" She had said

" I don't want a dildo"

" You want his thick d..."

" Who said anything about thick?"

" Have you seen his fingers? They're long as hell. Trust me sex with your smoking boss will ruin you for every man"


I have no idea why I invited her to lunch in my office. Hell I don't even eat lunch. Seeing her for the first time she had been a pretty face with a smart mouth. During the first meeting she had been talking with her plus one, their mouths had barely moved but I knew the subject of their discussion.


The first time she had sworn at me I wanted to wrap my fist in her hair and choke her with my cock for the disrespect but it had also made me smile. She had nerve I'll give her that. I didn't intend to kiss her during the event or in her fucking bedroom. Hell I don't even remember when last I kissed a woman during sex. The depraved part of me wanted tastes of her and the soft moans were a huge contrast to the throaty whores I normally had. Fuck she was sexy, her eyes the most beautiful shade of hazel, like the end of summer and the beginning of fall. When they shot lasers at me, it made my groin tighten and that wasn't good. Not one bit.

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