16*-Avada Kedavra-*

15 3 0

A/N: Who's a Harry Potter fan?!

I spend my weekend working on Peyton's website for her new fashion company 'Mauve', each of us had a particular aspect to complete before Monday and it was hard dividing it due to the altercation between Zeke and Estella.

Oh so you can say altercation? My subconscious chides

I had rushed down to the office after Ciara had texted me that afternoon to meet an argument between the coziest people in the department, apparently he had played her.

" Shut the fuck up, that's what he said" Estella had growled at him. I found it hard to believe it was the same dainty and sweet girl. This is why I don't like getting angry. Anger is one of the most transformative tools, and it does so in a matter of seconds.

" Don't tell me to bloody shutup, especially when you have no idea what you're talking about" Zeke had replied, his nostrils flared and eyes narrowed to slits.

"I literally saw the message on your phone...."

" So you agree to invading my privacy huh? We're not dating I don't owe you shit Estella" Her fists ball and she groans loudly

" So it's okay, what you did huh?. Placing a bet on me?" We had all simultaneously gasped and then I heard a clatter and a swear word from Sylvia as Dana had slapped her phone to the floor because she tried to video them.

" I didn't fucking place a bet on you. Get it through your thick skull " he tugged on his hair in frustration and I could feel the exasperation rolling off him in waves

" He was bullshitting, he offered a while ago and I had declined cos I have respect for you. Amazing how you just flushed that down the drain with your damn insecurities "

Estella gasped" Fuck you "

Zeke's eyes met mine, the fury in his icy blue orbs matching the fire in Estella's. His mouth opened to give the standard closing remark and I shook my head slightly at him. Like I had doused him with cold water his head dropped and his eyes softened

" Yeah fuck me" He said and Estella stormed out of the room with Ciara hot on her tail. I collapsed on my chair with a loud groan and a lot of things going through my mind. First off, update my damn default card collection.

Seriously? Your friends just flight and all you can think about is the default card Cameron gave you?

Oh well

My stomach begins to growl, so I get up from my work desk and pickup my phone to order pizza. It's been a long time since I spoke to Garver anyways, he's the dude that always delivers my pizza and after I gave him a cream that cured his acne, he always brought an extra something, apparently his girlfriend almost broke up with him over it.

Seriously? Acne?

People am I right?

" Chicken and beef!" I sing as I return to my desk, and finding that I can't focus, I opt for TikTok.

Ding dong!

" Finally" I groan as I trudge to the door.

" It's been what thirty minutes?" I sass as I open the door. Instead of meeting the thin lanky and mousy brown hair of my favorite pizza guy, the first thing I notice is the emerald colored eyes and then the dark brown waves, before his muscular stature.

Oh that jawline can draw fucking blood!

Not as much as Camerons' can

Don't fucking ruin the moment

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