5*-Hellevator ride-*

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A/N: Any STAY in the house??.. I mean a fan of Stray kidz cos that's where I got the inspiration for the name of this chapter. 'Hellevator' You can listen to it tho. Enjoy❣️

I watched as Zeke chased Estella around the room with his keyboard. It sure was nice seeing that they had time to spare. All it took was for me to almost get slapped to move the icy butt of CEO Montez. It was quite the drama last Friday when Benny got fired.

It was also quite the sight when Zeke started doing cartwheels and bought snacks for all of us.

"Leave me alone Zeke!!" Estella screeched as she tripped over nothing at all

Reminds me of all these stupid horror movies in which the main character trips over nothing, I mean why do they crawl backwards when they can get the fuck up and run?

Beats me really

We all watched as Zeke towered over her a wicked grin on his face, he leaned downwards nipped her ear and sprinted away.

Damn you gotta love Zeke he's like an annoying younger brother

" Oh my God ewwww" She scrambles to her feet wiping her ear and charging after Zeke

Another happy day in the life of the programming and development department.

It felt weird doing nothing, I'm used to being busy.

Don't you have to meet Mike for the issue you found on the recent project?

Oh yeah

I get up and make my way towards the door.
Andrè raises a brow

"Going to meet Mike" I answer his unspoken question

" Why? To give us an extra project?" Sylvia sneers

"No b-but I might add that in as well" I give her a silly grin and slip out the door.

I make my way down the corridors singing a merry tune to myself. All other departments seemed so busy.

The building had departments for all CEO Montez's businesses ranging from the entertainment, media, clothing line, casinos, hotels, export and import trade. It's like the man had a hand in everything, but as the company began from programming I guess the name stuck. It's actually called MC Corporation.

I spot the shiny fancy elevator I haven't anyone going on before. It's so fancy, maybe it's for the management guys, but there's literally no warning for regular staff, and it's a direct route to Mike's office, or so I overheard.

Throwing my cares to the wind I get on the elevator, for some weird ass reason the door wasn't closing despite my continuous assaults on the button. The panel obscuring the buttons for the floors also didn't slide upwards.

"Ugh I really wanna use this elevator...like damn the management!" I curse at nothing at all

I continue to struggle with the button when the sound of shoes hitting marble reach my ears. Paying no heed I go back to my work till an amazing scent hits my nostrils. Looking up I spot him at the right side of the elevator scrolling through his phone.

"What are you doing in here Jordyn"
The bastard doesn't even look up at me

" I'm tryna find the t-toilet " I answer sarcastically

He finally looks up at me, his eyes moving to my hands on the panel.

"Get away from there"

Bitch what?

He walks up me, places his finger on the panel and it moves upwards.


Then he clicks on the 25th floor

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