8*- The Fuck Sir?-*

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" Good morning Jane" I turn and try to mask the disgusted look on my face when I see the idiot calling me.

" What is it Ursula?" I stalk up to her not forgetting to check out her slutty outfit for today. It was a pepper red pantsuit with a v-cut neckline as low as her common sense level.

" You're late!" She says a huge smile graces her face as she takes a tiny bite from the doughnut she was holding. The company always had amazing doughnuts and coffee here at the reception for the employees. She seems to be eating the last one, and why the hell does she sound so excited about me being late?.

" I-I kinda figured " I roll my eyes

" Like over an hour late so you have to sign here and here" she points towards a book open in front of her and a little paper slip.

" Then take the slip up to CEO Montez" Her shit eating grin only got wider once I scowled in annoyance. I had every reason to be late today!, but she doesn't know that though.

Deep breaths Jane, Deep breaths

" Pen?" I demand and she places a sugar coated pen in my line of vision.

" Stupid bimbo" I mutter and fling the pen away.

"Hey! you uncouth...." I tune out her voice and sign the stupid thing with my pen.

" Go straight to your CEO!" she called after me as I stepped into the elevator.

I reject the urge to make a face at her as the doors slide shut.

" H-how can someone eat a doughnut for so long?.. idiot"

I get to the mahogany door of my boss and knock, but there's no answer

Ok is he even inside?... I knock again and still there's no answer , rolling my eyes so hard, I knock hard again and then I push open the door.
There he sat reclined in his chair with his legs on his table and his eyes glued to his phone.

" Who said you could come in?" He says and then does that annoying thing of not looking at me when he's talking, like he's completely disregarding my presence.

" I let myself in" I shrug

Finally looking up at me he archs one of his thick , perfectly shaped brow

"You w-weren't answering the door" I defend

" Then you wait till I do"

" Yeah and w-waste valuable working time" I say sarcastically

His brow raises further


" I'm sure you weren't thinking about valuable working time when you arrived here by minutes after 9am"

What the hell is this bastard saying? He's well aware of the situation that went down yesterday

" Well due to the situation that occured yesterday I w-wasn't able to make it on time" I say through gritted teeth

" That isn't a good enough excuse for me Jordyn"

" Bullshit" I hiss lowly...I guess?

Okay I hope it was low enough

" You think that's bullshit Jordyn?" His legs lower to the floor

Shit. Shit!

" N-no sir" I grind out, suppressing the urge to bitch slap him through the glass wall behind him.

" Come here" he motions with his index finger. I stalk slowly towards him and stop in front of his desk, where a larger than normal default card waited for me.

Despite The Dark Pastsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن