What Is Love

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What happened with Harry?? Ron asked.

Where is the papers?? She asked.

Hermione!! Ron said and she sighed.

Dad was right love only makes people weak Harry is also making me weak so I want to get rid of him, Hermione said.

What?? Hermione stop this and tell me what's going on in your mind, Ron asked.

I-I hurt him...

She said with a tear in her eyes.

How can I? How can I hurt Harry?? She said.

My anger, my real self is not good for Harry, for anyone, I don't deserve anyone, Hermione said feeling upset about last night.

Hermione, it's ok, you should talk to him directly, you should apologise, Ron tried to explain her.

No, I hurt him I promised that I won't let him cry ever but he was crying whole night only because of me...,

Hermione said and sat on the couch.

A person who doesn't know the meaning of love, doesn't deserve to be loved, I only deserve this,

She said holding a gun in her hand.

Hermione, what are you thinking tell me first, why did you do that?? Ron asked.

I..I guess I was jealous...I was busy but I make time to meet him in the school but he was talking to that Luna girl and she also touched him but he didn't stop her so I..I..was angry, Hermione explained.

I and Draco also touched you so what's wrong in that, Ron said.

It wasn't like that, Harry...he was smiling with her he was blushing and...and he started stuttering when I talk to him, why?? I mean I did a lot for him than why is he scared of me like everyone?? Hermione asked.

I don't know this, but I know one thing when you love someone you don't talk about what have you done for them, love is not a give and take relationship ok, it depends on trust so trust Harry and if you're jealous than tell him, and also give him a reason that why you're jealous, Ron said.


Hermione asked and Ron rolled his eyes.

Hermione, people feel jealous only when they're in love with that person, so tell him that you love him and can't see him with other girls, communication is always important, Ron explained and she smiled.

What?? Ron asked.

Nothing, It was just funny that I'm taking a love advice for a person who doesn't even have a girlfriend, Hermione said and Ron stared at her.

Ok...ok, I get it, I'll apologize and...and...maybe...ask him out, Hermione said with a smile.

Hermione, can you bring Harry here, he hadn't eaten anything yet, Ms Mcgonagall said while Hermione was leaving.

Harry is here, what about school?? Hermione asked.

Can I say something?? I'm just worried about Harry, Ms Mcgonagall said and Hermione permitted.

He said, he won't go to school anymore since you don't like it, and he owes you a lot since you saved him so he will listen to you and repay your favor, Ms Mcgonagall replied.

What?? Favor??

Yeah, I tried to explain him but he was really hurt yesterday and he said that it's your house and he will do anything you ask for since you own him now, Ms Mcgonagall replied sadly.

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