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After I have finished my dinner, I take my meds and drink the glass of water

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

After I have finished my dinner, I take my meds and drink the glass of water. Once I’m done, I place the empty dishes on the nightstand and got under the covers for a quick nap.

The time is 7:45pm. It wouldn’t take that long before Aran comes back and marches over here for our supposed discussion. I have no idea what he wants to talk to me about but I definitely have a reason to speak with him.

I need to be at my full strength before having to face the devil.

With that in mind, I shut my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


I awake moments later and quickly sit up on the bed, adrenaline pumping through my body at an alarming rate as I press my hand to my chest feeling the erratic beating of my heart. I continue to gasp for breath, looking around the dark room, expecting someone to jump out from the shadows and murder me or something.

I reach for the lamp with my cold and clammy hands and turn it on. The light illuminated half of the room. It isn’t much but I’m finally able to see my surroundings better and realize that I’m the only one in the room.

I allow myself a moment to calm down before pondering over the nightmare I just had. It wasn’t about the rape incident. It was about the time I got shot. The images were unclear before in my previous nightmares. This time, things were finally making sense for once. I remembered that uneventful day quite well. I couldn’t see the person who shot me because they had on a mask and everything happened really fast.

I could remember the eagle tattoo I saw at the side of his wrist before I collapsed to the ground. Apart from that, I have no idea who is behind that mask.

“Why is there always someone out to get me? I have never done anything terrible to anyone or wished someone bad—well except Aran but it doesn’t count.” I let out a huff and fall back to the bed, groaning at the pain that emits from my chest.

I run my fingers through my hair in frustration and check the time once again. 9:00pm.

“Where the hell is Aran?” I wondered.

Aran is never one to arrive late to an important meeting. So why isn’t he here yet?

Who am I kidding?

Since the matters concerns me, I’m guessing he’s going to take his precious time just to mess with me while I remain here waiting for him and loose my goddamn mind in the process.

Aah! Not a chance. To hell with him.

I turn off the lamp and settled back under the covers, drifting off to sleep for the second time with a certain person invading my thoughts.

For the first time since my incident, I don’t have any nightmares. I sleep peacefully, letting all my fears and worries float away.


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