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Nellie's POV

I'm officially screwed.

Asher is going to be so pissed. I just kept blowing him off ever since I left his house without informing him. That was my mom's fault anyway. It took a couple of weeks for him to forgive me. It was torture.

We were supposed to meet last night but because of that horrible dinner and me getting grounded, I couldn't meet up with him. I would have sneaked out of the house like I always do but my mom made sure that didn't happen. She just keeps messing up my life.

And now that I don't have my phone with me, there was no way to contact him and explain the reasons I didn't show up.

My scars have almost faded away. It wasn't easy hiding them from my mom and granny. Though my mom has been pretty occupied with our current problems so her attention is barely on me but my granny is quite perceptive.

Angrily shutting the book I've been reading since I was bored out of my mind without my devices, I take the bowl of cereal and dump the whole contents in the sink. Once that's over with, I meander over to the fridge.

My hand freezes on the handle at the sight of a paper taped to it. My eyes do a quick scan of what's written on it.

"Oh fuck! Chores? Really?" I let out a loud frustrated huff.

Granny does this every time I get grounded. She compiles a long list of chores for me to do as part of my punishment and expects things to be done as soon as possible.

"Great! Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse." I mumble with a groan and begrudgingly decide to take out the trash.

I take the elevator down to the lobby dejectedly, a frown plastered on my face to show how displeased I was with my current situation. I would rather do anything else than this.

I venture out of the apartment building just in time to see a masked man tuck a gun quickly into his pocket and drive down the road, his motorcycle going at an insane speed as a couple of men dressed in all black rush into their cars and chase after him.

My body went dreadfully numb at the sight of my mother laying lifelessly on the ground with blood flowing uncontrollably out of her chest.

"Mom!!" A pained scream tears out from my throat. In a state of panic and urgency, the bag of trash falls from my hand and I sprint over to my mother's lifeless body.

When I got to her, I sat by the sidewalk and gently placed her head onto my lap, tapping her face repeatedly to get a response from her. I didn't even realize I was crying until a wet moisture landed on her forehead.

"Mom, please wake up." I sob, placing my hand over the gunshot wound on her chest to try and stop the blood somehow. "Don't do this to me, please."

She remains unresponsive, eyelids wired shut, lips pressed together. I don't pay attention to the few other men dressed in black, gathering around us and making a few phone calls.

"You can't leave me alone in this world, mom. I need you more than ever. I have always needed you." I press my forehead onto her's, hoping and praying in this very moment that she would just open her eyes and scold me for my terrible actions and bad attitude. I longed for that so badly.

"Mom!!" I scream, my body wracking with uncontrollable sobs. "Please don't leave me. I promise I will be better. I'm gonna change, mom. I'm not going to disrespect you again. I'm going to be a good girl. Just please open your eyes."

It feels like my whole world just shattered right before my eyes and all the emotions that tumbled through me were nothing other than, regret—for the way I've been acting, pain—because I can't imagine the next minute of my life without my mother by my side, and heartbreak—I didn't get to tell her how much I loved her and didn't mean all the harsh words I said to her before.

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