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I sit across from Salvatore in a conference room in his casino where he usually holds important meetings

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I sit across from Salvatore in a conference room in his casino where he usually holds important meetings. The old man smokes a cigarette silently, drumming his fingers on the table and regarding me with a cunning look. He opens a bottle of vodka and pours himself a drink, raising the bottle and asking if I wanted a drink but I shook my head and leaned back on the chair.

Salvatore wasn’t too pleased when Kane informed him that the meeting had been rescheduled to this evening. I didn’t give a fuck. He should be lucky that I even showed up because I had a lot on my mind and they all revolved around a woman.

Not just any woman but Rayne Horton. I have lost my shit because of her. I’m barely holding on to my sanity. What about control? That went to the gutter the minute she stepped into my room. And now, I’m nothing but a starved man who craves for a woman I shouldn’t and can’t have.

I’ve been hard ever since our encounter this morning and just a touch from her could make me explode. I need her. I want her. I’m yearning for her.

I have abstained from all things sexual in the past few years. No woman had been able to attract me, to trap me to the point where I can’t seem to escape from until Rayne. Now the hunger has returned in full force, tearing down my restraint bit by bit.

I didn’t sleep last night. I just sat down on my bed and smoked a whole pack of cigarette, thinking about her and all the sinful things I could do to her. She wouldn’t last long in my bed if we ever fucked. My hunger doesn’t get satiated easily.

I blow out a breath and adjust my tie, clenching my fist so tight to try and regain some sort of control to get me through this meeting with Salvatore.

“I was informed not a while ago that you have my daughter in your possession.” He slowly pours himself another glass of vodka, keeping his hawk-like gaze glued to me. “How is she doing? Does she know the reason why you decided to keep her under your care?”

“Tread carefully, Salvatore.” I cross my leg over the other and smirked evilly. “You know what I am capable of. So except you want to be the reason why her life gets cut short. You will cooperate with me and act sensible for once.”

He frowns, hands holding the glass with a death grip. “I have made many mistakes in my life, Aran, but the one mistake I can never make is underestimating you. I am very well aware of what you’re capable of. But don’t mistake my lenience for foolishness.” He drops the glass on the table and folds his hand. “So, back to my daughter. How is she? Hope she’s well taken care of?”

I scoff. “Don’t act like you actually give a damn about her.”

“And you do?” He arches a brow in amusement.

I let out a humorless chuckle, lips tilting upward into a full blown smirk. “She’s of great importance to my plans, Salvatore, and I have to protect her from filthy vultures. You of all people should know that.” My face suddenly pulls up a blank expression. “Now where is she?”

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