Chapter 11

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Shaurya could never reveal his true identify to Mehek. For her, he was a poor orphan who had no one. It also made him happy that she loved him nevertheless.  

Despite protests from her family, they had got married. She chose him over them. He was amazed by the blind trust and selfless love she had for him. Often it pained him that he couldn't offer Mehek the life she deserved as his queen.  

At times, he felt conflicted, playing dual personality of Atharv and Shaurya. He could easily go back to his lavish lifestyle taking Mehek along with him. But he restrained himself because he knew along with riches, danger will also be swept in to their peaceful life.

Arrival of a gift hamper with flowers and a cryptic congratulatory message made him suspect that his father was aware of his wedding. However none came forward, persuading him to return so he let it slide. Besides , he had cut ties with his father long back. He believed his father no longer cared, just like he didn't care about him.

Life with Mehek was blissful. For once in life, even though while impersonating as Atharv, Shaurya knew warmth of a family with her. He tried his best to keep her happy, Caring and loving her, showering her with gifts he could afford within his limitations.

Shaurya never expected to come across Anjali, his half-sister while he was enjoying his honeymoon with Mehek. After ensuring that his tipsy wife is fast asleep, he rushed to meet Anjali. He looked around the grand suite she was put in. He knew Mehek should have been able to enjoy such riches, perhaps even better ones. If he had chosen to switch back to be Shaurya Khanna, then perhaps his lovely wife may need not be a penny pincher anymore. Yet when he weighted pros and cons, he remained rooted to his decision to never return back.

"What do you want?", Shaurya asked Anjali angrily. He knew his half-sister will never appear without a proper reason. "I don't want you to return", she replied blatantly. "Even I don't wish to come back", he spoke vehemently, "I am happy where I am. So rest assured". "Good", she smiled, "atleast for once we are on same page", she went on, "But father can be so adamant at times. He may force you to take the reins from him". He looked at her being shocked, "he had long ago given upon me" "No he didn't. He keeps tab on you", she informed him, "you are just out of his sight not his radar". 

Shaurya got tensed.  Despite not believing his cunning half sister, fear coarse through him ."I can help you. Get you a passport on your fake name and proper visa for both of you. You can be settled somewhere far away with your wife", she spoke tactfully, "you can trust me with this one". For once, he agreed with her. Because she had enough reason to keep him at bay to claim the throne. "Wait for my further instructions", she told him, "don't tell anyone especially your buddy, Aryan".

He knew it will be unfair on Mehek to leave her life behind to run away with him. He failed to give her a happily ever after she truly deserved. While losing himself in pit of guilt, once again she came for his rescue. Her selfless proclamation that being with him meant everything to her, made him determined. He decided to escape even if it means running away and hiding like a coward. In time, he will reveal his true identity to Mehek because he hated secrets amidst them. He was sure she will be able to understand him. But not until they are safely settled away from those dangers lurking around.

Nothing was out of normalcy when they returned back. Yet in some days, an eerie feeling started to creep on him. Years of training had attuned his sixth sense. Feeling of being watched, irked him constantly. He started to notice minor disturbances while wading through their mundane life. Whether it was a reckless biker rider who accidentally grazed passed Mehek while she crossed the road or the new boy who started to delivery milk to their home. Eventually he believed that they all were set to watch them. 

Shaurya frantically tried to protect Mehek but his attempts made her suspicious. When she confronted her, he once again chose to lie. Because it was wrong time to reveal his truth. He could only assure with his honest intention to keep her safe. Sadly, their adverse situation started to take a toll on Mehek's health.

He couldn't wait anymore. Whether they were goons of his father or his enemies, he needs to run. He would have risked his life and fought bravely if he was alone. He couldn't even think of putting Mehek's like in danger. In desperation, he decided to seek help from Anjali. He left early in the morning after making excuses to Mehek. He never knew that there will be no return to their happy home.

He was intercepted midway, only to be confronted by Aryan. Shaurya tried his best to hide his intention from his trusted man. For few days he has been missing without a word. "Shaurya", when Aryan took his real name itself, he knew it was trouble, "Sir, has been attacked". Despite his hatred, he didn't think twice before reaching out to his father.

Harish Khanna, the king was fighting for his life. Aryan informed him in few words that he was attacked brutally, probably by someone close to their inner circle. Once king was attacked, slowly they targeted his loyal subjects and close kins. Anjali came out of the adjacent room. Her bandaged shoulder and hand sling told him the narrow escape she had made from the bullet which was intended to take her life.

 "We need to stay together and fight ", Anjali told venomously, "Find the traitor before we are slaughtered". "Mehek", Shaurya quickly gained his senses, "I left her alone". He was about to rush back but Aryan held him. "Let her be", Aryan spoke softly. "The moment you left her to flee, she is safe", Anjali smirked at him, "if she is only a cheap bed-warmer, then she holds no value for our enemies". "You...", Shaurya was about to bash her but Aryan stopped him, "Mehek is better off without you. Why do you want to bring her into the mess?". "I love her", he cried out to him. "I am touched", Anjali mocked, "However your love will only draw out her blood". 

"I don't care about your petty threats", Shaurya was determined to go, "I need to go back before she is harmed". "You are dead the moment you leave", Anjali spat at him, "a dead man cannot protect anyone".  "It's time for you take the crown", Aryan told him, "even if you never wanted any part of it, today you have no choice". 

Anjali spoke dubiously, "Sadly, I too agree". She had sacrificed enough to gain her father's favour. She got married to a man much older than her, playing pawn in her father's game. Being widowed at a young age without children, didn't affect her but disapproval mattered to her. Her skills and intelligence were commendable but it was not sufficient to incur fear in their enemies or garner respect from their own. They needed Shaurya Khanna, the rightful heir of Harish Khanna. Even as a dummy, his presence will give them breathing space to gather and plan to fight the dire situation.

Shaurya was left with no choice. He had to takeover. Yet his mind chanted only one name, 'Mehek'. "I am sorry, Buddy", Aryan consoled him, "It's time for Atharv to leave the play. Along with him, you need to bid farewell to Mehek. Because she is no one to Shaurya Khanna. If you drag her in or go back to secure her, she is doomed".  "I cannot live without her", he was broken "You have to", his friend broke bitter truth, "won't it be better if she get a chance to live her life rather than been shot down to an untimely death".  "We have send someone to discreetly keep an eye on her", Anjali proclaimed, "but sooner you discard her, safer her life will be". He couldn't agree to her. But before he could retort, they were suddenly attacked.

Enemy was able to infiltrate even their secret hide out. It was not a time to fight amongst themselves. Although he despised to shed blood, he pulled out gun from nearby guard. Years of restraint didn't falter his training. 

They were awed to see Shaurya in action. As he took down many attackers single handedly, they knew that the prince is ready to rule as their king 

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